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"Just to be clear. You two killed bad people right?" Kita asked and I nodded.

"Alright as long as you both are safe now." Kita said before standing up. "How about we have a small match since it doesn't seem like anybody wants to practice right now. Sakusa you are welcome to join."

"YA OMI LETS BE ON THE SAME TEAM" I yell but Omi immediately turns around and pretends he doesn't hear me.

The coach ended up putting us in teams and lucky for me, I had Omi Omi on my side! I better play well, gotta show off and look good in front of him.

Osamu and Suna ended up being on the other team so I couldn't do the quick with Samu.

"SAMU JUST WATCH AS I TAKE FIRST" I yelled at him from across the court. As his older brother, it is my job to provoke him. Osamu quickly turned around and glared at me as he mumbled incoherent words.

"Shut up Atsumu. A fly might fly into that big mouth of yours." Suna smirked. Ughh why was he talking back for Samu. I looked over at Omi to see if he would help me. No luck.

"ALRIGHT BOYS!" The coach yelled before the whistle blew.

Our team served the ball. Suna was quick to receive and their setter set the ball to Samu, who smashed the ball.

"We are already one point ahead of ya" Osamu says before walking away.

"WE WILL BEAT YA JUST YA WAIT" I yelled before stomping back to my position.

Each team played to its full potential. Osamu and Suna continuously landed spikes which made it difficult to climb ahead. Omi and I were actually a really good duo if I must say. With his power spikes and my amazing precision we might as well be the best.

"Nice kill Omi! Way better than Osamu" I said the second half louder just to annoy Samu.

"STILL WINNING" Samu yelled. It was true that their team was winning.

The game soon ended with Samu's team winning. I am gonna get an earful from a Samu... I was pretty say we lost. It was my first game with Omi and we lost.

"Your not bad." Omi said walking up to me.

"We still lost." I said before lying flat on the floor. Omi looked down on me before calling me a sore loser.

"I just wished we won but our first game together ended in a loss.." I said.

Omi just chuckled. "We still have many more games in the future. This is not the last" he said and I smiled. He's right! We still have many years of volleyball.

"Next time we'll win" he said.

"Omi....... YER SO COOL" I said before jumping onto him. His eyes widened before panick took over him as he tried to pry me off.

"Tsumu? Suna asked us if ya wanna go for dinner with them" Samu asked and I nodded. I felt so free now. I could finally hangout with my friends and future boyfriend.

"Ya! Let me get changed first" I said before pulling Omi with me to the change rooms.

"Hurry up you slow poke." Suna yelled before we entered the change room.

I quickly took off my shirt. I no longer had bruises but some scars remained on my body. I didn't feel as insecure anymore and didn't have to change in a stall.

I turned around and saw Omi staring at my body. He then suddenly walked towards me and hugged me from behind.

"W-what are ya d-doing" I asked as I was too flustered. I bet my face looked like a tomato.

Suddenly I felt light kisses on my back where my scars were.

"O-Omi?" I said before melting into the feeling. It felt nice. The little soft kisses.

Omi then stopped and got back to changing.

"I knew ya loved me back!" I said before jumping onto him once again causing me to fall on top of him on the floor.

"I-I uh I guess I do..." he mumbled before putting his arm over his face.

"Aww are ya shyyyyy" I said before laughing out loud and hugging him tighter.

"Well Omi Omi?"


"Will you do the honours and be my boyfriend, fiancé and future husband?" I ask. Well if he liked me back I guess I should just jump right into it.



"I'm just kidding, yes I'll be your boyfriend." He said and I was able to breathe again.

"Don't scare me like that ever again"

"Get off of me now. I feel gross lying on the floor." He said and I quickly got off, pulling him up. Right when we stood up and regained balance, Omi bent down and connected our lips.

I was overjoyed. I immediately kissed back and just enjoyed the moment. Our first kiss!

"TSUMU YA BEE HURRY UP" Samu interrupted. Omi quickly pulled apart and we rushed to change before heading out.

Stupid Samu. Ruined the moment. I looked over at Omi. He had a light blush on his face. I smiled as a grabbed onto his hand intertwining our fingers.

"How ya doing boyfriend?"

"Shut up."

"I love ya too!"

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