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Atsumu POV


That was the sound I always dreaded. It was the sound that was pulling me out of my peaceful slumber. An annoying ring that brought me back to reality, away from my dreamland. Stupid alarm clock.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed and onto the floor making a loud thump. Samu was still sleeping. He was rolled up in a ball under his thin blanket. He looked so peaceful, but as his twin brother I had to be the one to pull him out of his peacefulness.

"Samu! Get yer ass out of bed!" I said. I heard Samu groan.

"5 more minutes"

"Hurry up! We have to be out of the house before mom and dad get to us first." I whisper shouted.

Samu quickly jumped out of the bed and sprinted past me into the washroom before me. I went to the closet and got changed. I put on my school uniform, making sure the clothes covered the bruises that littered my body. The dark purple and blue spots were the only colour on my pale skin from being starved.

Samu and I have been abused since we were ten and now we are in first year highschool. We start at this school called Inarizaki today. I just hope that we will be able to keep this secret from the students in school.

Our mother and father weren't always like this. When Samu and I were ten, our parents got into drugs. We don't really know what caused them to start hitting us but it started one day when they came home late. Samu and I were playing some games on the tv when our parents came home from work. Both our parents were working late so Samu and I always stayed home alone together. We hadn't eaten yet and were waiting for mom and dad to come home to make us something. When they came home, mom and dad were yelling at each other. I quickly ran up to them and asked them why they were fighting which earned me a loud slap on my face from my mother. She told me to shut up. Samu was quick to run up and back me up but was then sent flying onto the floor from getting pushed by dad. I was crying seeing the big bruise on Samu's leg. Samu also cried after seeing me cry. Our parents were furious at us and began calling us mean words. The told us to shut up and that we were a mistake. They told us that if we didn't exist they wouldn't have to waste their time and money on us and could buy more drugs.

After that night, our parents stopped caring about us. They stopped providing us with dinner. They would hit us if we came home from school with anything but an A. They came home with drugs and alcohol. Sometimes they would take their anger out on us. It was brutal but we got through it together. I don't think I could have done it without Samu. We always helped bandage each other up. We promised each other we would never say a word to our classmates. It was our own secret that we had to get through ourselves. We didn't want to burden anyone else. Our parents always called us a burden and I've grown to hate that word.

Once I finished changing into my uniform, Samu walked out of the washroom. I headed in next while he went to change. We both finished getting ready and now we were just packing our bag. I decided to look out our room first. This was something we had to do if we didn't want to get beaten before school. I peeked my head out to check if the coast was clear. I slowly walked out and went to our parents room to see if they were home. They weren't.

Samu peeked his head out. "Are they home?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Let's go grab some grub before they come home" I say and quickly walk downstairs to the kitchen. Samu followed me and once we reached the kitchen we started scavenging for food. We opened all the cupboard, drawers and the fridge but yet we only found a small portion of crackers.

While we were eating the little food we found, the doorbell rang. I looked at Osamu and he looked at me.

"You don't think it's-" we started at the same time. "Mom and dad?"

We quickly hid the wrappers of the crackers we found. Osamu slowly walked to the door and looked through the peep hole.

"Who's there Samu?"

"Two really big guys in suits." Samu responded. He then proceeded to open the door.

"Is this the Miya's residence?" On man asked immediately after we opened the door.

"Um ya, our parents aren't home yet though." Samu said.

"Well your parents owe us A LOT OF MONEY" the man yelled. Both Samu and I flinched at the loud sound.

"I'm s-sorry sir but why do we owe ya money" I asked.

"Cause your parents borrowed a lot of money from us and haven't even paid us back a dime. You boys better think of something before we kill your parents." The other man said pointing at us.

"Don't kill them! We will get a job, just give us time" Samu says. I could tell he was scared. By now we were already late for our first day at school.

"YOU BOYS BETTER AND PASS THAT MESSAGE DOWN TO YOUR PARENTS" the man yelled and they both walked away.

Once they left Samu turned to me.

"What're we gonna do Tsumu? Mom and dad are definitely in trouble and caused us to get in trouble." Samu says.

"Let's just quickly find a job now. We need money fast. We are already late for school and they probably closed the gates already. Let's find a job now." I say while putting on my shoes. Samu does the same and we quickly walk out. We walked to the city looking for job offers. We found one at a nearby cafe and quickly walked in. The boss let us work there and gave us the uniform. After we got the job we walked back home. When we got home mom and dad were sitting on the couch. There were drugs and alcohol laying everywhere. Samu and I weren't subtle enough and our parents immediately saw us.

"WHY ARENT YA AT SCHOOL YOU DUMB FUCKS" dad yelled grabbing onto Samu's hair and pulling on it hard. Samu yelled in pain grabbing onto his head.

"W-we were late cause two men showed up at our door saying ya owe him money." I stuttered. Mom and dad's expression seemed to change. "They found us already..." I heard dad mumble under his breath. He quickly threw Samu to the ground and stepped hard on his hand. Samu was now crying due to the pain.

Dad then grabbed me by the wrist and threw me onto the ground. He started kicking me while my mother was hitting my brother. Blood was trickling down my head and My vision was getting blurry. Mom grabbed an empty glass alcohol bitter and smashed it against Samu's head causing him to pass out. Even though he was passed out, mom continued to beat him up. Dad was still kicking me. I tried to stand up and run but before I could, he landed a hard punch on my head causing me to black out.

The last thing I saw was Samu's limp body covered in blood and bruises.

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