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Sleepover....why? When did I agree to this?

"Atsu... when did I say I was gonna sleepover."

Atsumu's suddenly turned around. His happy expression now held sadness.

"Oh Uhh, I won't force ya... I just thought we could spend more time together ya know?" Atsumu says chuckling sadly.

I sigh. If I say no now Atsumu might think my feelings for him weren't real or something and I don't want him to be sad..

"Fine but clean everything first." I said and Atsumu gave me a salute.

"Omi? Do ya snore?" Atsumu asked.

"What are you on about"

"Just wondering ya know"

"No I do not." I respond.

"Well I like being cuddled." Atsumu says hinting at me.

"Good for you."

A ding was heard. I looked over and saw Atsumu. He was staring at his phone. That must have been his notifications. I watched as Atsumu's expression completely changed. Osamu seemed to have also received a message as he was looking at his phone with a frustrated look.

"Who is it?" I ask getting curious.

Atsumu quickly shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Oh it was nothing. Just some annoying scam trying to sell me stuff." He said scratching the back of his neck while chuckling.

After that we all continued to eat although I couldn't shake the feeling that Atsumu and Osamu were acting a bit strange now. We finished eating and decided to head back to their apartment.

Atsumu quickly took the chance to grab onto my hand before I could put it in my pocket. I just let him do what he wanted. We walked in a comfortable silence all the way back. When we arrived, Atsumu ran in and tried his best to clean the apartment as much as he could.

"Alright it's clean!" Atsumu said smiling proudly. I stepped into their apartment and it was actually really clean.

The four of us sat on the floor around the table.
Osamu had his head down on the table. Was he sleeping? On the other hand, Suna was pulling Osamu's hair up making it look really messy. His hair was sticking out in all different directions.

I then turned my head to Atsumu who was staring right at me. I just coughed a bit to see if he would snap out of it but it didn't work. This was a very awkward situation.

"Uh you're staring." I say to him.

"I know!" Atsumu says.

"Well stop."

"I only look at what's mine." Atsumu says and Suna let's put a long whistle.

"Smooth real smooth" Suna says.

"I'm just gonna shower" I say trying to escape this awkward situation.

"I'll join ya!" Atsumu says before jumping up. Suna immediately pulls him back down. "Let the man breathe" he said and I mentally thanked Suna for saving me there.

I walked into the bathroom and started to shower. As the hot water sprayed my back I started thinking. Even though Atsumu had been missing for 6 months or so. I feel like he's been here the whole time. I feel like I can't lose him again. It's like I can't imagine a life without him anymore.


"SUNA WHY'D YA DO THAT?!" I yell at him.

"Chill you two just started dating. Don't rush things. Also shut up, can't you see your brother sleeping" Suna says.

"Ya mean yer crush is sleeping" I say.

"Watch what you say" Suna threatens which actually kinda scared me.

"Okay okay. I'll stop teasing ya.. when are ya gonna ask him out then?" I knew Samu liked Suna and it was obvious Suna liked Samu so why weren't they together???

"I'm not rushing things like you did. I mean you guys did just comeback,."

He did have a point. I guess Omi and I did rush things a little too quickly. "Just buy Samu food" I say.

"Thanks for the help, I totally didn't know that." Suna says with his resting bitch face. Osamu and Suna were practically made for each other. They both had the same resting bitch face that makes it look like they are unapproachable. Yet the two of them always approach each other.

"Ya know Samu likes cuddling. I mean we used to cuddle with each other since it would get cold at night. Make sure ya take this opportunity" I say. Suna just nods as he continues to play with Samu's hair.

"Hey can I borrow some clothes?" I heard Omi call out from the bathroom. I quickly got up and went to our closet and pulled out some clothing that were too big for me. This should fit him I thought. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. Omi opened the door and my mouth literally dropped to the ground as I took in the sight of his body. He had a towel wrapped around his abdomen as his abs were displayed in all its glory. His hair was still wet but it was still curly and it was dripping water.


Before I could even say anything Omi slammed the door in front of my face. At least I got to see. I walked back to the table and slumped on the floor.

"Did Atsumu break down?" Suna asked and I just nodded. Of course I did, I mean anyone would if they saw there boyfriend like that.

I never realized how fit Omi was.

"Earth to Atsumu" Suna said waving his hands in front of my face.


"You were gay dreaming" he said.

"Shut yer trap! I bet ya gay dream about Samu all day"

"Huh sorry did ya say my name" Osamu woke up and yawned.

"He was just saying how much he loved you" Suna says before I could think of a better excuse.

"Uh I love ya too" Samu says confused. Why I haven't heard Samu say that to me in years. It was nice hearing Samu say it. It made me feel a lot better after he reminded me. After all we are brothers. Family.

I smiled at Osamu. Osamu was looking back and forth between Suna and I.

"Was there something I missed?" He asked.

"Yes. You missed Atsumu confessing his heart and souls about how much he just loved his dear Lil twin brother." Suna says and I glare at him. That definitely did not happen.

"Uhh ya haha" I say awkwardly.

Omi finally walked out of the washroom in that moment. I let a breath I didn't know I was holding. I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom to shower next but before that I attempted to give Omi a kiss. Of course this was a huge fail as Omi Omi said I have to shower first.

Well guess who just broke the record for fastest shower?

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