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Osamu and Atsumu walked to their side of the court along with some other players. The players they were playing with were the benched players. The people they were going against were the potential starting line up. Suna was on the other team along with Kita.

They let the twins team start off first. Atsumu was first to serve but before he served he pointed at Osamu.


Samu just glared at Atsumu while everybody else chuckled at their sibling behaviour.

The whistle blew and Atsumu's whole demeanour changed. He was now serious and prepared for his jump serve. He threw the ball up and slammed it in the other side of the court. The first service ace was made.

Everybody stared wide eyed at Atsumu. Not many people were able to get a service ace let alone do a jump serve in their first year.

"STAY FOCUSED" the coach yelled.

Atsumu served once again slamming it hard in the other side of the court earning another service ace.

This continued another time. On the fourth serve, their libero was able to touch the ball but wasn't able to bring it high enough. On the last serve Atsumu changed it up and did a jump floater which caught the other team off guard.

Tsumu just smirked and immediately decided to mock Osamu who was getting fed up of Atsumus bragging. Now it was the other teams serve. They were able to receive it. Atsumu quickly ran under the ball in a set position before quickly tossing it to Samu for a quick. Everybody was shocked at the twins quick as it was too fast.

"Not bad I must say." Suna says.

"What do you mean? There is an obvious difference in skill." Atsumu states proudly.

"Yeah between you and Osamu. He is way better then you." Suna said before laughing.

Now it was Osamu's serve. Osamu was quick to do a jump serve earning his first service ace. Atsumu was shocked and made a weird sound when Osamu earned his second service ace. Osamu landed another two service ace but unfortunately on the last one, Kita was able to receive it but it ended up going back to the twins side.

Atsumu was in position to do the quick again but this time Suna was fast enough to block it. Osamu glared at Suna while Suna just smirked. 

The game continued on. This time Osamu was under the ball as he set the ball to Atsumu. This caught Suna off guard but he wasn't fast enough to stop Atsumu's setter dump. Atsumu just laughed when he saw Suna's face. Now Osamu and Atsumu were rotating on who sets the ball just to comfuse the other team. The game ended with the twins team winning.

"Hey Suna? How does it feel being last place?" Atsumu asked smirking.

"I wouldn't say last place, I'd say it's second place. Don't you know? First the worst. Second the best. I say it's a win for me." Suna says.

Atsumu was about to pounce onto Suna but the coach came up to him before he could.

"Welcome to the team boys. You are now officially in the starting line up. Make me proud." The coach said before dismissing all of us.

"OSAMU I WIN" Atsumu yelled and started jumping around an irritated Osamu. Osamu hated losing, especially to Atsumu. If only Kita didn't receive that one ball then he would have at least been tied with Atsumu.

Atsumu was jumping non stop until Osamu got fed up and tackled Atsumu onto the ground. The volleyball team surrounded the twins as they watched them argue with each other. Suna of course, was video taping all of this.

"YER ANNOYING YAPPING IS MAKING MY EARS BLEED" Osamu yelled as he shook Atsumu by the collar.

Atsumu latched onto Osamu's collar and yelled.

It was all exciting until Kita came and told everybody to go home. Osamu and Atsumu quickly went to change and ran out fast since they had a job to attend to. They quickly ran to the cafe and changed into their uniform. By now Osamu and Atsumu were starving but they couldn't afford to eat. They continued to work from 5-12 midnight. They helped close the store and left. It was an exhausting day for them. They quickly went to their new home and snuck into their room. Atsumu showered first while Osamu showered after. Once they finished everything they both sat on their floor. The room didn't have light so they used their phone flashlights. They took out their textbooks and notes and began studying with each other until 3am. They ended up falling asleep on the floor.

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