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Happy. I was truly happy now. I felt at home.

The game ended with Samu and my team winning. As for the service ace challenge, we tied. We walked to class with Suna who just told us a bit of what we missed. When we arrived to class the teacher was shocked but accepted us nonetheless.

Lunch soon came by. Samu and I walked to our usual meet up and saw Suna waiting for him there. Next to him a tall dark curly haired boy who wore a mask stood.

I widened my eyes.

"OMI OMI" I yelled before jumping onto him, crushing him in a hug.

"Atsumu? Is this really you?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'M BACK!" I yelled laughing. Sakusa looked shock but soon hugged me back which caused me to blush.

"Don't ever leave again..." I heard Omi mumble.

I looked over to my left and saw Suna feeding Samu some of his lunch. It was the same as back then. We were together again.

"Promise us.." I said getting serious as I looked at Sakusa and Suna.

"Promise us you won't get mad at us after hearing our story." I said.

"We're sorry..." Samu said.

Suna and Sakusa just looked at each other.

"You don't know how much stress you caused us but I'm glad you are back to the old Osamu and old Atsumu." Suna says.

"It's been months.. we waited for you both every single day." Omi says and now I felt guilty. Although I can't really turn back time and change my actions then. I just accepted.

Now I know that they truly meant what they said. They both didn't forget us. They weren't mad at us. They really did care for us. I'm glad I know now.

We spent the rest of our lunch joking around and eating together under the big tree. When the bell rang we went back to classes. Suna gave Omi his house keys so Omi could wait at his place until after school.

As time went on I got more and more nervous. My insecurities kept creeping up. What if they judge us. We were killers. What if they are scared of us. What if they kick us off the team? All these thoughts kept invading my head.

The bell rang and now I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell the team. Samu noticed I was nervous and hugged me.

"We'll get through it together." He said and I nodded.

We walked to the gym. Once we arrived, Kita, coach, Suna, Omi and everyone else was sat in the gym waiting for us.

"Uh well where should we start? Well Osamu and I have been abused since we were ten." I said earning a bunch of gasps. "Our parents used to beat us up until we passed out. We were starved and they would beat us up really bad for days if we didn't come home with straight A's. One day two men showed up at our front door saying our parents owe them a lot of money. When we told our parents they beat us up both until we were lying in our own blood. When we finally woke up we walked to the kitchen and saw our parents dead."

"Dad had a knife to his heart and mom overdosed with sleeping pills. We were then taken to the police station where they called our aunt to come and take us. Our aunt hated us and abused us like crazy." Samu spoke. I was surprised when Suna spoke up.

"Trust me and Sakusa. We saw how they lived. There room was like a closet. There was no light and they didn't even have a pillow or blanket to sleep with. They studied on the floor. They didn't have food. There closet was just a corner in the room. They showered in cold water. They didn't have heat. They weren't allowed to leave their room and the only light they had was a small window." The team all looked at us sadly.

"Well our parents debt went to us. Also our aunt made us pay rent. This caused Samu and I to get a job at a cafe. So right after volleyball practice we would rush to work. On the days we had to cleanup the gym our pay was deducted because we would come in too late. We worked until midnight everyday. After that we would go home and study for a long time..." I said.

"You both studied for hours without rest. They had to study on the floor using their phones as flashlights. Suna and I once slept at their place. We spied on the two of you. You both practically stayed up all night and would get two hours of sleep before waking up and going for morning practice." Sakusa said.

"Yeah. The reason we wear long sleeves is to hide the bruises and everything." Samu says. "We did this everyday until it started to take a toll on our bodies. We didn't have much food and we were overworked. Eventually we got sick. We couldn't miss a day so we just continued our normal schedule. When we went to work Suna and Sakusa found us there. We didn't know they waited outside for us. So after Atsumu and I closed the store. It was pouring and I ended up puking in an alley way. Atsumu passed out as well. Suna and Sakusa found us and carried us back to our aunts place where they stayed that night."

"Well that alley was also the place Osamu and I were kidnapped by boss. He kidnapped us and tortured us for weeks. We were chained to the walls and beaten up until we couldn't feel pain anymore. When the police started posting signs on the wall the boss let us go. He left us in the alley where Suna and Omi found us once again. We were sent to the hospital to get treated." I said.

"When they woke up they were completely different people." Suna says. "You wouldn't believe when I say that They showed absolutely no emotion. No smile. No annoying laugh. They were dead on the inside. Their auntie came in and Osamu and Atsumu beat her. They had no mercy on her it was honestly scary. Sakusa and I tried to snap them out of it but it was no use. They believed they were too weak and needed to get stronger. The doctor ended up kicking us out since visiting hours were over."

"Well Tsumu and I escaped the hospital and went back to the alley we were kidnapped. We begged the boss to take us in and make us stronger and so he did." Osamu said and Suna looked at him shocked.

"He trained us and we joined them. He treated us very well and gave us everything. We met new people and we became killers..." I said and everybody gasped. I just looked down. It was an expected reaction.

"Well we really only killed bad guys. But it became Our escape. It helped us through our tough times. We grew close with the other workers and learned that we should rely on family and friends. Finally Tsumu and I decided to come back." Osamu finished.

"So you two kill? I mean we won't report you or anything but... seriously you loud duo killed?" Suna questions. "I had a friend that did the same job you did. Have you met the owl Akaashi?"

My eyes widened. "No way?! Akaashi was the one that trained us. He was like Samu's best friend there" I said. Suna turns to Samu.

"Beat friend huh? What am I then? The side chick?" Suna says looking down on Samu.

"Uh no you uh-you, uh un." Osamu was malfunctioning as his face turned red. I just laughed since I knew Samu thought of Suna as his potential future boyfriend.

After watching Suna and Samu I decided to go and annoy my crush. "OMI OMI do ya still love me even if I did kill people?" I asked.

"When did I say I loved you." Omi glared. "I never once thought of you differently..." he then mumbled.

"Aww Omi" I say and quickly jump onto him.

"I missed it when you didn't call me Omi.." Omi said and turned his head say. I looked and saw his ears were red. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Well I'm back now" I sighed in content.

Why us| Miya twinsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant