"Now where were we?
She taunted with voice as deep as any primal beast.   

" I'm Hera by the way"
and without notice she stretched her claws and ripped out the heart of an unsuspecting Venice who stood wide eyed   before crumpling to her knees and falling face flat while the crowd gasped  in mortification and fear while some others cheered for the first victory of their Queen.

The next Challenger was  Andrea,   one would think that her build and stature as a warrior was what would make her stand a chance hence the reason she smuggishly stalked towards the Patiently Waiting Hera,    Sadly she had decided to taunt this unknown being by telling her how the position of Queen was hers and not even some feral creature could take it away from her.

A mistake that had cost her. her head before she could even throw her first punch.

The next was the rather adorable looking Camilla who did nothing but run around the alpha female in hopes of using the prey Tactics on her. except her actions  had angered Hera who saw the mutt as nothing but a pup, hence in anger that couldn't be sated she had swiftly lunged on the weightless pup, stretched her claws and tore the warrior Limb by Limb till her remains were all that scattered the arena grounds.

Warrior after warrior, head after head  she had swiftly and mercilessly melted out her wrath upon the six Warriors who had thought themselves worthy of stealing what was hers since the dawn of time.

Now, it was left with one, the very one who caused her human counterpart endless night of tears, the one who had forced Hera's reawakening for fear that not even the lycan and human combined stood a chance against Alvida and her band of Friends.

She could perceive the stench of Fear that now clouded the air and she reveled in it but above that she perceived the pride that's her mates felt for her but now wasn't the time to acknowledge the Mortal forms of her mates.

Finally the female had stepped into the arena, Hera had acknowledged the fair strength of this female and she could also see how she exuded prowess and the Elegance that was fitting to princesses from faraway lands and if the situation where any different she could have spared her life for she seemed like a slightly worthy sparring opponent but sadly she couldn't, for this is the female who had quickened a process she would not live long enough to understand.

Due to the female standing rather closer than necessary, Hera felt the attack coming before it came as a result of absolute precision and perfect timing hence the reason she was able to block the feeble females weak punch.

Hera had smirked at the females attempt, surely she didn't think this was a joke.

Soon enough another fist  came flying forward causing her to duck on time to Dodge the swing.
she watched in Amusement as she tried to kick midsection of her torso but Hera had been fast on her feet enough to leap back.

Uncurbable rage had now possessed Alvida who swiped her claws across Hera's face who wasn't quick to duck hence she had sustained a deep cut in her upper cheek bone which now added to the multiple injuries that littered the porcelain skin of her human's skin, they were healing as fast as they came hence she couldn't be bothered.

Besides it was all going to be worth it soon enough considering that she had been baiting Alvida whose lust and obsession for victory made her blind to her surroundings, unconsciously and aimlessly she continued to swing both arms and feet to the point where Hera had began to either dodge, duck or leap just for amusement purpose and that was also the point where Alvida's anger had reached a boiling point till she snapped.

Hera had whispered as she watched the female shift into what Hera had considered an adorable Brown looking pup, although she seemed bigger than the last two who attempted to shift.

This was all she needed to remind them that the human part of her would not only be queen over them but queen over every living wolf or Lycan without opposition until her kings decided otherwise.

Hera couldn't shift into the glorious Kroc  she was because she couldn't transition without her mates under the abundant beauty and perfection of the moon but she could morph into something bigger than her current shape and that was what she had done.

Stood in her stead was a bigger, taller, scarier looking half breed who looked more animal than man, earning fear stricken gasps from onlookers.

Now she was in dire need of blood, she needed to quench her thirst hence she took the first step by swinging her claws that were aimed at Alvida's torso but she had been quick to leap back.

Growls and guttural roars filled the arena, the stench of the copper odor of blood filled the air, fear was the most dominant emotion in the arena seeing as the people did not understand what was going on,  but Natasha who watched with wrapped attention kept tapping her hand on her sit as though she was waiting, her brothers knew something was about to happen but they didn't know what it was, at this point even the gods had hidden in their abodes seeing as she who had been bound time lost ago had returned and it was only a matter of time before she was joined back to her soul mates.

Back in the arena, Alvida had made the error of Taunting the Beast by sharing an intimate scene she had shared with her kings a time not long ago, sharing it in the link Hera's human part shared with the female who knelt a pace away from Hera seeing as she was exhausted and ready to accept her fate.

Hera having felt the pain of her human side growled so loud everyone bowed in fear, she had reached her point of no return, someone touched something that was hers and that someone was the one whose heart now sat comfortably in between her canines while she tore her joint from joint, dismembering the female body part by body part, but it wasn't enough, she needed blood and blood she was going to get.

Seeing as the pups now laid lifeless she ran towards the direction were she perceived an intentional threat from, surely if they were breathing enough to threaten her mates then they should have what she needed to pacify the unquenchable hunger and thirst she felt.

Hey guys, please, please, please share your thoughts about this chapter...
I love you babies

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