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Before you proceed, please leave your inner feminist at the door, I wrote this book and it's characters the way I thought and imagined.
Don't talk To me about anyone's weaknesses and how they should have acted.

Six horrible hours later, the supposed applicants continued to walk in and out of their office like they owned the place.

Valley had resorted to laying lazily on the couch, River had decided to have fun by poking the applicants in the worst ways possible by filling their thoughts with more intense erotic images since that's all they thought about, while Storm had turned paled from all the shouting he had done in one day.

"Please leave and tell Stella to come back in here on your way out, thank you for coming miss Sandols"

"It's miss Sandoval but Val for you, For valentines I mean"
She purred, twirling her hair with her finger in what they assumed was supposed to be seductive.

"Yeah, same thing I said"
River replied waving his hands as a method of dismissal.

"I should have just stayed in the penthouse"
Valley murmured, adjusting himself in the couch considering the couch couldn't contain his large form properly.

"You sent for me Sir?"
Stella asked peeping into the office with only her head in and body outside.

"You look like those people in horror films with the way you are positioned right now Stella"
River said earning a tired laugh from Stella who now decided to enter the room properly.

"Please tell me that this cruel joke of yours is over, almost thirty people and none has even come close to being qualified for a maid talk more of a personal assistant, either they are dressed like hookers or they are totally clueless "
Storm scolded, trying his best to not yell at Stella because although she was in charge of choosing these applicants, he knew it wasn't her fault.

" I'm so sorry, honestly I myself have no idea where these ones come from, but there's a woman out there who came pretty late, she claims to have been robbed on her way here but my point is that she seems really patient and probably everything you need in an assistant "

Stella replied in hopes that the woman she was rooting for would get the job, she seemed quite adorable and not too much work, and she knew she was the kind of woman her bosses always liked, a really quiet, kind, loving and respectful person.

" Is she your friend cause you seem to be rooting for her"
Valley who rarely talked to her suddenly asked, his deep voice startling Stella who instinctively took a step back.

It was no surprise that they all sort of feared Valley a little more than others.

"No Sir, I actually don't know her from anywhere else but here"
She replied truthfully.

"Alright, send her in and announce to the rest that they can go on a quick break and return in thirty minutes"
Valley replied, getting up from the couch and sitting back in his sit, one more person and he could be on his way home.

The Brothers who were ready to bounce on the next applicant just like the rest were patiently waiting for her, that was of course till the lavender scent that waft through the room knocked the air out of their lungs, followed by soft pitty - patter footsteps walking into the office with her head bowed down, staring interestingly at the floor.

Beautiful white straight long hair that was pulled in the messiest bun they had ever seen, there was no way in hell her hair didn't reach passed her hips regardless of the bun.

An argument that seemed to be taking a forefront in their minds, it was really long even in a bun so who was to say it wasn't longer when free and just straight.

Flat shoes that covered what they could tell was a really beautiful feet, Feets they couldn't wait to massage.

A smooth pale skin that looked perfect on its owner, tall and curves in the right places, She couldn't be described as a slim person but definitely wasn't fat, she had flesh in all the right places.


They all chorused at the same time in a whisper that didn't go unnoticed by a now really excited Stella, who unconsciously squealed in excitement at the fact that finally this day had come.

"Sirs, it's my pleasure to present to you Miss Arabella Rain."
Stella introduced quite dramatically, smiling like a Cheshire Cat especially due to the way her bosses seemed in a trance at the mere presence of the goddess before them.

Stella smiled and nudged the woman who hadn't looked up since she stepped foot into the office, She was an extremely beautiful woman, she had the kind of beauty that put models to shame, it was the type where when she walked past a man he had no choice but to turn around and look back at her.

The type where when you stop her to talk to her you are unsure that she'll give you the time of day, then when you succeed in given her your number you are afraid that she will never call you because she might not have the time to waist on you.

Stella saw all that but she noticed that this was also a woman who didn't see how beautiful she was, she had a really low self esteem but if shown that she was worth it she was prone to blossom into a really special and free bird that could chirp non stop.

"They are ready for you miss Rain".
Stella whispered before turning away and heading back to her office.

Over the years she knew how mates worked and she knew that Lycans such as her bosses were capable of pouncing on this woman, after all she was the Betas mate and she has seen first hand how these shifters were when they just found thier mates.

The Kings on the other hand couldn't bring themselves to look away from the goddess standing before them, where had she been all these years, was she hiding under a rock?

How did they not find her all this while considering that a woman like her wasn't the type you met once and not wish to see again, She was the kind of person you just couldn't ignore or overlook in a crowd.

She whispered really shyly before she tucked stray baby hair strands behind her ears and looked down again.

Valley remembered her as the woman that had been crying downstairs, hearing her voice simply sent them over the edge, and when they caught a glance of her face up close they realized that the gods had taken their time on this one.

River was about to leap out of his sit and pounce on the woman before him but was stopped by Storm who quickly held his shoulder.

"Hold on brother, she seems like the type you can easily scare away, she's shaking and she could easily run away if you pounce on her like that. "
Storm reasoned in the mind link.

"As much as I hate to admit it, you are right, we must take it slow"
Valley agreed looking at the woman who was now squirming and shifting from one foot to the other.

"Please take a Sit Arabella".
Storm said slowly, voice taking a rather slower pace as though he was going to break her if he spoke any louder, which actually worked because she looked up at them, nodded at them before taken slow unsteady steps towards them, then took a sit.

Thanks lovers.

How's it going?

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And stay beautiful everyone.
That's all you gotta do for me

The Azillian Kings(1) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें