"So when I was younger and living in Texas, I dated this girl and I was madly in love with her, but keep in mind it was 16 year old love" he laughed slightly. "I had always thought she was going to be the one that I would be with forever, always a hopeless romantic hoping that the cliché high school romance would be the love of my life forever" he said.

"Oh believe me, I've been there before.... Plenty" I laughed, realizing now how desperate I was to find love and how willing I was to make it work with anyone.

"I think we all have lil miss" he said as I turned my head up to look at him, his gaze already staring down at me, his eyes twinkling with the small amount of light that was starting to peek over the mountains as he flashed me his breathtakingly gorgeous smile. "But, I remember Jodie talking to me and I never thought that what she said would be true" he said with a laugh, his head shaking slightly as he looked over in the opposite direction before looking back at me, his teeth nervously biting at his bottom lip.

"You're nervous baby" I laughed, my index finger coming up and tapping at the tip of his nose, his eyes crossing slightly as he looked down at it before gently grabbing my wrist in his hand, pulling my finger down as he placed a soft kiss on the tip.

"No, definitely not nervous," he said with a gorgeous smile. "More shocked that the words finally came true" he said, his gaze dancing with mine.

"And what did she say?" I asked him, my arms drifting around his waist as I placed my legs over his, my head tilted back to look up at him as I waited for him to answer.

"She told me that even though it hurts right now it won't hurt forever and that someday I will find the one who will watch every sunrise with me until the sunset of my life" he said quietly, his eyes not breaking contact with mine as I felt my breath catch in my chest.

"I never thought her words were going to come true, Candace, yet here I am sharing the one thing that I love with the girl who finally filled the spot of Jodie's words. I have no intention of ever going anywhere sweetheart" he said to me, his hand breaking free from the fluffy fabric that was keeping us together as he slowly pushed stray hairs from my face. "I just have this feeling that you're it for me Candace and it grows stronger everyday" he said quietly.

I quickly reached up, resting my hand on the side of his face as I melted my lips together with his, his arms quickly wrapping around my tiny body, the blanket that shielded us quickly becoming insignificant as it slipped from our shoulders. He moved his lips slowly against mine, his hands positioning me so I straddled his lap as I wrapped my arms around his neck, neither of us needing to ask to deepen the kiss. The thought seemed to have crossed both of our minds at the same time, our lips parting together as our tongues did a beautiful tango, the passion that was building between us growing with intensity but never toeing the line of desire or need.

We spent several minutes getting lost in each other, alternating between deep sensual kisses to sweet long kisses before he finally pulled away from me breathing heavily. He licked his lips quickly, the thin layer of moisture glistening with the lights that surrounded us as he brought both of his hands up to cup my cheeks, his thumbs rubbing softly against the skin as he stared at me.

"You Candace, are the girl that was meant for me. It only took me 25 almost 26 years to find you but now that I have you I am never letting go" his voice was low and deep and filled with the beautiful rasp that I had come to love so much, the sound of it sending wonderful tingles throughout my body as I felt myself become putty in this beautiful man's hands.

"I love you Austin. I love you so much" I smiled at him before leaning in and pressing our lips together once more. "At least you only had to wait 25 years, I had to wait 29 years" I laughed as I pulled away from him slowly.

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