"Do you need any help?" Chris said as he started to stand up from the couch.

"Probably I'm gonna change first, can you grab me some Benadryl from the cupboard." I said pointing to where the medicine part of the cupboard was.

"Okay" Chris said grabbing me them and a bottle of water. 

A few minute later I had thrown a pair of comfy pj pants on and a oversized mens T-shirt. 

"Okay you can come in" I said as loud as my voice would let me, which wasn't that loud. 

Chris opened the door and I was sitting on the edge of my bed throwing my hair into a messy bun.

"Here you go" Chris said handing me the Benadryl and water. 

I took them and knew that they would knock me out soon.

"Thank you for coming over tonight, you really didn't have to" I said sniffling.

"No worries, I get to spend more time with a very beautiful girl" He said smirking making me blush.

"Oh stop it I am not beautiful" I said comparing all of these other beautiful girls to myself inside my head.

"Well I think you are and you are even beautiful when you are sick, and in a oversized tee that I hope isn't your secret boyfriends you have told me nothing about." Chris said curious, it was his way of asking if I was single or not.

"I don't have a secret boyfriend don't worry, I like buying oversized tee and hoodies. They are comfy" I said back to him, I guess it does look weird that I have guys t-shirts and hoodies hanging in my closet. 

"Well you can have some of mine" He said looking at me wondering what I would say.

"Well do you have a secret girlfriend that would not be happy with me taking them?" I said smirking back at him. He knew that I was using the same line on his to try to see if he had a girlfriend.

"Nope I do not" He said smiling at me as I laid down on my bed.

"Anyways you need to get some rest, I won't bother you any longer" He said getting up.

"You weren't bothering me" I said rolling over to my side and facing him.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Chris asked.

"If I'm feeling better I am supposed to meet up with Tom, Chris H, Mackie, and Sebastian for dinner" I said back to him.

The dinner was originally planned for just Tom and I to talk about the end of the movie but the brothers told us that Chris H, Mackie and Sebastian were all also going to be in the scene so Tom and I invited them to join us. The brothers are letting us give them a little imputes on where we want our characters to go and where we want our characters to leave off at, at the end of the movie. 

"Really? Mackie and Seb never mentioned it. Well consider me jealous. What's the dinner for?" Chris said looking kind of disappointed.

"The brothers asked us where we wanted our characters to end up so we are all going to dinner to discuss." I said looking up at him from my bed. 

"Ok, how about we hang out before?" Chris said with a smile on his face.

"Yea sure, I'll text you when I wake up" I said smiling.

"Also can you lock the door on the way out" I said as he was walking out of the door.

"No problem, I'll text you tomorrow." He said from outside of my bedroom.

I was so tired, I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep.  

*Chris's POV* 

I walked out of y/ns apartment and felt on top of the world. 

Falling for Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now