apple martini and bloody mary

890 33 3

Blick - Blyke

Asslo - Arlo

John: ok so im currently in study hall rn

John: and these kids erry and cheric started yapping about some shit

Sera: ugh THEM

Sera: they're so annoying and always hit on the high tier girls

Sera: i punched erry in the hall on shark week once

John: he deserved it

Isen: i wouldnt want to get punched by sera on shark week

Sera: we have established that i am terrifying during shark week


Blick: this girl leena is literally just bickering with erry

John: should i help

John: like erry's just 4.3 and cheric's just 3.7

Sera: go help if apple martinis start flying again

Asslo: wait

Asslo: WHAT

Sera: oh yeah once in study hall erry threw an apple martini at isen

Isen: i

Isen: was

Isen: pissed

Sera: isen just picked up an empty beer bottle that he had in his bag and smashed erry's head

Blick: if that aint satisfying idk what is

John: there's this bubblegum pink hair low tier who said hello to me when i first came to wellston

John: so i dont hate her as much


John: i dont hate you at all

John: i still hate bubblegum girl but not as much

Sera: fine

John: if erry or cheric so much as looks in her direction i will blast them to england

Isen: like that other kid

John: yep

Remi: i dont like erry

Remi: ik we should give everyone a chance but he doesn't deserve one

Elaine: truth

Asslo: wait wait wait

Asslo: elaine can you dump the paper plate of food that doc gave me and give me a lunchable?

Elaine: part of being in a good relationship is the other person calling you out on your bullshit

Elaine: or in this case, calling you out on how you're eating bullshit

John: take some frosted flakes

Sera: john you can cook really good food

Sera: so why don't you eat it?


John: nO

Elaine: help me shove this decent food into arlo's mouth @sera

Sera: kk

[ten minutes later]

Asslo: i think im gonna puke

Elaine: i will force you to eat the puke


Asslo: idk what to say to that

Asslo: oh yes i do

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