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Isen: thank you for letting me be head of the press team

John: i made you co-head w cecile

John: because i don't want to talk to her anymore

John: after what sera did

Sera: she hugged john

Sera: so i beat her up brutally

John: sera u dont understand

John: i was kicking her off the team to let isen be head

John: and she cried

Isen: cecile cried

Blyke: she cried

Asslo: Wait, what?

John: she cried and i was really sick @ the time

Sera: hmph

John: i was about to throw up on her so i just said "ok you can be co head"

John: and she hugged me

Sera: y didnt u vomit

John: yk the stain on the wall near where the safe house is?

John: the one people say i smashed somebody's head into and that's why it's there

John: i threw up on that wall

Sera: janitor??

John: idk it's a white wall

John: the paint is weird

Sera: so they couldnt get it off and

Sera: that's so gross

Isen: like dude

Isen: thank you for making me co head but that's kinda disgusting

John: silence peasant

Isen: ;-;

Blyke: john that's fucking gross

John: stfu i got it from you

Blyke: or one of the other kids?

Asslo: Blyke does have a point.

Asslo: I think there was something going around.


John: that's what happened

Sera: how come i didnt notice

John: u froze time right before

Sera: that wall is honestly disgusting and john u skip school like every day

John: i had to go to prove i could be good

John: so i went

John: i have never stayed home from school bc i was sick

John: ever ever ever ever

John: i wasnt about to break my record

Blyke: at least take like a trash can

John: im not about to haul a trash can everywhere i go

Sera: smh

Isen: john

John: what

Isen: i have sat against that wall like a million times after it got the stain

Isen: surprisingly i didnt get sick

John: bad luck

John: also bad judgement

the shit that goes on at wellston | chatficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora