[]banana bitch[]

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[3:47 am]

Remi; there's this yellow haired girl who always clings to arlo

Asslo: Who?

John: i think her name is pauline or some shit

Sera: oh pauline

Sera: she's so weird

Isen: she always grabs onto your arm and is like "i love youuuuu" @asslo

Asslo: i thought elaine walks w me to class

John: so?

John: pauline is that bitch who jumps up and down to try to get to your height

John: she's like 4' 8"

Sera: and I thought remi was short

Remi: im like 1 inch shorter than you seraphina

Sera: and?

Isen: first of all

Isen: who tf names their kid pauline????

Sera: ikr

John: pauline's that banana air bitch who cakes makeup on her face

Blyke: ^

Asslo: oh

Asslo: HER

Asslo: i know her

Asslo: we worked together on a project once and then one day she got all beat up

Asslo: i think it was like last week or smth

John: oh ik why

John: elaine beat the shit out of her next to the wall where i *ahem* got sick

Sera: tbh

Sera: i kinda wanna see that wall

John: people say it's "cursed" or smth

Blyke: i may or may not have started that rumor

Isen: wait it was YOU

Remi: blyke why would u do that???

Blyke: i thought it looked like blood so i told this random mid tier that john had smashed somebody's head into it

John: bLoOd

Sera: smh

Blyke: and then they kinda spread it around

Blyke: so now it's a thing

Isen: wtf blyke

Isen: whyyyyy

Remi: i agree w isen

Sera: ok but forget about that stupid wall for a sec

Isen: you're the one who brought it up idiot

Sera: i havent used my ability to kill somebody yet

Sera: wanna see me do it, isen?

Isen: no pls

Sera: anyways

Sera: john whyd u call pauline banana air bitch

John: her hair looks like a banana

John: her ability is a weak ass wind

John: 1.9 or smth

John: and she's a bitch for obv reasosn

Asslo: im gonna wait until tomorrow morning and see

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