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John: anybody on

Sera: john go back to bedddddd

John: fine

Isen: shut tf up already

Isen: wait go back to bed

Isen: isnt he already in bed?

Sera: that's classified

Blyke: SHUT UP



Remi: Blyke do you want shrimp

Blyke: is it good?

Remi: i tasted the one u made and it was crap so i got chicken nuggs

Blyke: u said shrimp

Remi: im tired

Blyke: ill go to sleep now

Remi: blykkkkke

Blyke: finnnneeeeeeeeeee

Arlo: Shut up, everybody.

Elaine: ugh so bright

Arlo: shhh toothpaste

Sera: toothpaste?

Arlo: elaine nickname

John: arlo, grammar

Arlo: Elaine nickname

John: whatever

Isen: sera where r u

Sera: none of your business

Sera: ask elaine

Isen: elaine where's sera

Elaine: ';ldl

Elaine: ;'.;.][

Elaine: \][=[;

Elaine: oh im sorry

Elaine: I sat on my phone

Elaine: also im not telling u where sera

Elaine: ask her where i am and if she spills i tell u

Isen: where tf is elaine seraphina

Sera: im not a rat

John: sera

John: sera can u get me a glass of water

Sera: ok

Isen: it's so obvious john and sera

Blyke: deal w it

Isen: fine ykw cecile get over here

Isen: This is now Cecile. It is late; why are you talking here?

Arlo: Turning notifs off now.

Elaine: same

Remi: me too

Blyke: agreed

John: idk

Sera: john was bored

John: water pls

Sera: i got it

John: y u still have extensions in

Sera: i forgot to take them out

Sera: also now i know why my head hurts

Isen: Please kindly refrain from talking now. Isen and I are tired.

Isen: this is isen now btw

Isen: see ur not the only one who has secrets

John: ngl cecile deserves better

Sera: i disagree

Sera: she's a rat too

John: so then they're perfect for each other


Sera: when did u guys become a thing?

Isen: none of your business

John: come on yk you want to tell us

Isen: fine a few weeks ago

Isen: aah gtg

John: take extensions out alreadyyyy theyve been poking me

Sera: sorry sorry sorry theyre out now

Sera: cant u tell?

John: it's too dark i should've copied evie's ability

Sera: stop texting now im right here

John: ok

coming up next:

Sera: He was so hot


John: Can you not

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