Chapter 23 - Jehlani

Start from the beginning

The rays from the sun woke me up. I turned over to the other side and last night's events with Trent came back to mind. I scoffed to myself, then sat up on the edge of the bed. I immediately turned my phone on and was met with twenty-two voicemails and thirty-six texts, all from Trent. I laughed to myself and shook my head at his persistence. I had another hour before my first class, so I immediately went to Trent's room to get ready for the day.

Soon as I walked in, I was met with balloons, streamers, roses, and sunflowers in every direction. I walked over to the bed, which was covered in sunflowers, and picked up the note that had my name written on the front.

I was an asshole. I'm still getting used to a woman bringing out my sensitivity, and not just any woman, my mate. I love you. Please forgive me...

How could I not forgive him? I fell back on the bed and buried myself with the flowers as I chuckled with delight. After wasting close to twenty minutes, I was dressed and ready for class, but I couldn't leave the room a mess, so I stopped one of the Omegas and asked them to tidy up before Trent returned.

As I walked through the mansion, everyone was in a buzz about the approaching Luna Moon. I still had a few minutes to spare, so I made a pit stop to the kitchen.

"Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?" Afeni was sitting at the island drinking a cup of coffee and scrolling on her phone while wearing a gorgeous silk robe scattered in magnolias.

"Morning, Afeni. I slept okay considering me and your son had a little spat. Is he here?" I poured myself some coffee and went to join her.

"Unfortunately, he's not here. He couldn't miss class, but he did tell me about the little lovers' quarrel." Afeni took a sip and looked at me over the rim of her cup while giggling.

"Afeni, all I want to do is help him, but the man is so damn stubborn. Sorry...."

"Child, we are both grown! As for my son, if he is anything like his father, all you have to do is show him who's boss. See, an Alpha is used to leading, in and out of the bedroom."

"Tell me about it." I had no choice but to respond because she was right about that. We shared a hearty laugh and she continued.

"His Luna will be his ONLY weakness, especially if she's as beautiful as you." She winked at me, and I felt myself blush.

"All we've wanted for our sons is to be happy, and now that they've found their mates, we see that they are. But you, my dear, were chosen to be a Luna, and soon an Ayaba. Those roles are not something to be taken lightly. They are just as important, so take my advice: show him who's boss!!"

"You make it sound so easy!!"

"It is!! Honey, you are a woman, the most important part of life!!! Show him that you are his equal and that you can put your foot down, too!! One thing I've learned from being around tall men for the past thirty years is tall men are intimidated by a tiny woman. Use what ya mama gave ya, girl!!!" We did a toast with our coffee mugs and shared a hearty laugh. I looked at my watch and almost had a heart attack.

"Oh shoot!!! I have to get to class!! Thanks, Afeni, I needed this talk." I gave her a peck on the cheek, and she hollered out to me just before I walked out.

"Be patient with my son. Luna Moon is approaching, and he's getting crowned. Also, with all this fuss about Oren stirring up trouble, it's weighing heavily on him. Just be there for him, doll." She blew me a kiss, then shooed me off to class. When we came back last night, my car was sitting in the driveway, so I hurriedly slid in and sped down the driveway. While I swerved through traffic, I thought about Afeni's words, and she was right. All I had to do was show Trent who the boss was because he was not going to talk to me like that again.

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