Chapter 22- Duke

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Now, I've had offers to be a baby-daddy, but Clarissa was the first woman to offer me fatherhood. Seeing Trent with his mate made me realize just how excited I am for the future. Since meeting her sister, Clarissa has perked up tremendously, and not once has she mentioned Camden.

After another two hours of lovemaking, once in the bed and twice in the shower, we were cruising down the beltway with the sun beaming down on us. I planned a day of pampering for her because she sincerely deserved it. When we pulled up to the spa, her eyes lit up in excitement.

"This is the new spa that everyone's been raving about!! Appointments have been booked solid for the next three months!!"

"Well, it just so happens that I know the owner, Natika Williams. She signed a ten-year contract with the company, so being that you are marrying the boss, you get a spa day whenever you want. Plus, her family is one of our strongest allies." She jumped up and down in her seat, then leaned over and placed kisses all over me.

"You are the best husband-to-be ever!!! I love you!! I love you!!! I love you!!!!"

"If I keep going at this rate, you'll be so spoiled I won't be able to do anything with you."

"Ha-ha, real funny. I'm not that kind of girl."

"I know, which is why I love you."

After finally finding a spot in the crowded parking lot, I quickly slipped out and grabbed her door. As she walked ahead of me, the sway of her hips hypnotized me, and her scent almost knocked me out. We stepped into the spa entrance, and she gazed around like she was a kid in a candy store. The stained-glass ceiling and marble floors were just the tips of the iceberg. The ambiance was through the roof, and it was packed wall-to-wall with female patrons waiting to be served.

"What's up, Duke!!!"

I turned and saw Natika walking towards us and waving. Clarissa immediately grabbed my hand and held on tight.

"Hey Tik'! I see I don't have to ask how business is doing!" We gave each other a warm hug.

"This is my mate and fiancée, and your new client, Clarissa."

"Oh!!! Hi!! Welcome to The Beauty Mark and congratulations on the engagement!!" She pulled Clarissa in for a hug and patted her back lovingly. I almost laughed at her stiffness.

"Duke, she is lovely!! It's about time you allowed some pretty woman to make you a husband!!" I saw a smile appear on Clarissa's face, and she beamed like a spotlight.

"Why, thank you. It feels good to be the first and last love of his life." She cuddled up under me and looped her arm through mine.

"Well, I applaud you! How about since it's your first visit, you get the Celebrity package on me?? Matter of fact, you should let me do your Bridal party!! I'm friends with the hottest hairstylists and makeup artists in the city!!!" I felt Clarissa completely relax and she shined so bright, she could compete with a city generator.

"Really?! You'd do that for me?"

"Why not?? Black women need to stick together! Plus, I know it's going to be one of the weddings of the century, so I want an invite!" Clarissa let go of my arm, and looped arms with Natika.

"Girl, you keep this up, you'll be IN the wedding!!!"

They walked off laughing and left me standing in the middle of the entryway with a smile on my face. I was digging this side of Clarissa. She needed to make some friends, and I knew her and Natika would click. I decided to take a seat and wait, no need in standing in the way.

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