Chapter 4 - Clarissa

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"What do you mean, 'It's time for me to go'?? What are you saying to me??"

Tears streaked my face as I fell back onto the couch completely distraught. How could Trent not see me as his mate? The chemistry and love we share, the vibe we feel when we're close to one another, how could I be the only one that felt it?!

I was in love with Trent and tried every day to make things work with his mother and this whole "transition to Luna" process. Even on the days when she was rude to me and insulted my intelligence, I overlooked it. With what I know, I could've been left and stirred up some unwanted trouble, but I stayed because I wanted to be with Trent. None of it mattered now because his father was here delivering this blow to my heart, and Trent was nowhere to be found. The pain of my worst fears becoming reality made me numb, and I immediately began to feel rage. How dare he do this to me?? He had no idea who he was fucking over, but I was going to show him and make him pay.

"I'm so sorry, Clarissa, but that's the current state of things. I've taken the liberty of securing a loft for you at one of my establishments and you don't have to worry about rent. You can stay there for as long as you need to, and you can also keep the Mercedes. Trent insisted that you have a bank account, so he set it up and we all chipped in so that you could finish school and not have to worry about anything."

Dr. Atkins handed me a big bank packet and a large manilla folder with all the information inside and then sat beside me. I may have been angry, but I was still hurt. I was crying from my soul, but Dr. Drake comforted me. Besides Trent and Duke, he was the only one that was nice to me.

"I'm so sorry, Clarissa. I truly am, but we must prepare for the next Luna, and you are not it."

"I can't believe this. Every day he shares how close he is to marking me. How could this happen?"

My confusion was getting the best of me, as I did not understand how any of this could be happening. The more Dr. Atkins comforted and assured me that everything was going to be fine, the more I began to feel a little better. The rage was beginning to ease away, but it returned the moment Afeni appeared into the living room.

"My dear, it happened because you were not born to be Luna of the BraveHeart tribe. You have no pizzazz, no flash. You are monotone and you lack conversation. Be thankful that we took you in at all."

Afeni wore a purple, floor-sweeping slip dress decorated with gold sequins, and her waist-length locs hung freely with gold crystals decorating every other tendril. Although she was stunning, I despised that woman. She had it out for me the second I stepped foot in here and I had no clue why. I've tried so hard to make a bond with her so Trent could see the cooperation on my end, but she just couldn't tolerate me being with Trent. Her phrases had stung me for the last time, and I was determined to pay them back. I stood and headed for my suite to finish packing my things; the sooner I left this place, the better. I was no fool, I was going to take the money and the apartment, but I was going to use it to my advantage.

Once the last bag was packed and loaded into the trunk of my car, I took one last look at what could've been my future. For as long as I can remember, I've been on my own. I was only eight when I first shifted, and I was scared out of my mind, but then I was found by a pack of rogue wolves who taught me how to survive in both forms. The same pack that took me in was also willing to sacrifice me, and that is when Trent rushed in to save me. I allowed one more tear to fall because, after this, no more tears were allowed. I've cried enough in this lifetime to last me the next one.

The huge Greek Revival style mansion looked so romantic; the sun was setting as the snow gently fell and covered the grounds, which in turn made the lights that embellished the house glitter like a thousand stars. I turned toward the lake and stared at the weeping willow where Trent and I first kissed. I truly fell in love with him that day, and I promised to be a loyal, honest, and faithful Luna to him. I shook the memories away and wiped my face as more tears deceived me.

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