Chapter 11 - Duke

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Goddess knows I didn't want to leave my mate all alone, but I had to clean up my mess. I have never talked to my parents like that, and I know they are expecting me to come formally apologize. I called Quinton while Clarissa was in the shower and set up my retrieval from the apartment, which was literally twenty minutes from the house.

As I kissed Clarissa good-bye, solidifying that I would be back, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. Once I was on the other side of the apartment door, I checked my phone and saw that it was a message from my father stating that my presence was required at the Alpha Summit.

"Fuck!! What did I do now?"

I slipped into the elevator and had multiple thoughts swirling through my mind. I already missed my woman, I needed to talk to my brother, apologize to my parents, and now, on top of it all, I have to attend the summit. Once I was finally in the car, Quinton attempted to ease my troubled mind.

"Long night, sir?"

Quinton was our father's best friend and the Beta to our tribe. Whenever we had a problem that we couldn't take to our father, we went to Quinton. He's been our Second-in-Command for years, and I don't see him retiring anytime soon.

"You don't even know the half, Q, man. I got a lot on my plate, right now."

"Well, I'll tell you as your brother told me, the Goddess makes no mistakes." He put the car in gear and began our journey. His words rang through my ears, and I became more solid in my decision, but I had to talk to my parents first. While we drove up, I saw a multitude of cars and became even more anxious. Quinton dropped me off at the front door, and I was greeted by one of the Omegas. I was relieved that it wasn't my mother.

"Good morning, sir, your father is expecting you." She signaled for my jacket and escorted me to my father's office. I stood in front of the large double doors and took a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever was about to take place. Just as I was about to walk in, my mother walked up to me and began to fuss.

"Ajani Akande BraveHeart!! You are late!!!" Soon as she saw me, Mama started adjusting my disheveled clothes and tried to wipe some imaginary crust off my face using her thumb and spit: a mother's technique.

"MAAAAAA!!!!!!! Come on now!!!"

"Hush!!! I'm proud of you but I'm still mad at you." She smiled at me then lightly smacked my face.

"I deserve that. I'm sorry." I tried to kiss her on the jaw, but she pushed me towards the doors. I just laughed as I knocked on the door and waited on my father to acknowledge me. The doors swung open, and I was greeted by the Allied Alphas, along with my father, sitting at the meeting table. He stood and outstretched his arms my way.

"The fruit of my loins. Duke, come, son." All the other Alphas stood and bowed my way as I went to my seat, which was on the left hand of my father's chair.

"Now that Duke is here, the second part of our summit can begin," I remember Trent and I attempting to sneak into these meetings when we were young, now I would pay anything to get out of here.

"The Luna Festival is approaching us, and we have two strapping candidates for Alpha, but only one shall claim the title. I will open the floor to my son, Prince Ajani, and allow him to speak his claim."

My father sat down, and I began to shit bricks. I stood and began to address the members of the table.

"Ahem... Good morning, gentlemen. As one of the inheritors of the BraveHeart tribe, I was raised to display nobility and commitment while protecting the tribe. Although I am confident of myself, I am sure that my brother is better suited for Alpha than me, and I am very sure with my decision."

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