Chapter 15

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Seto had promised to tell Karissa the truth and that's what he was going to do. Maybe after today, he'd never see her again. It was hard to blame her, he wished to run from himself too. Seto had cancelled all his meetings for the day and Karissa was kind enough to sort everything for him. They were outside Kaiba Corp in a secluded place where they could speak alone. What he was about to tell her wasn't easy to grasp and they needed to be alone. Karissa waited patiently knowing it must be something big and Seto was preparing himself.

"What do you know about Ancient Egypt?" Seto's question took her by surprise.

"Well, mostly what we learn in our History classes," Karissa had no idea what this had to do with anything.

"I denied this for a very long time but... it's true. There are a lot of things that exist beyond our imagination. Remember the monsters' invasion, the green crystals a few years back?" Karissa remembered this.

"Yes, your company was blamed for the glitch in the holograms," Karissa gave him an apologetic look.

"Ah, yes, but they weren't holograms. Everything was real," Seto saw the shocked expression on her face. "I know it sounds outrageous, but I promise you, it's true."

Karissa blinked in surprise, her boss wasn't one to make things up and the look on his face last night... it had to be real, but it was just hard to believe. Karissa decided to keep her heart and mind open as she had a feeling it was about to get even weirder.

"In ancient times in Egypt, magicians would call upon these monsters to fight for them. It was the pharaoh's inner circle who had these magical items called Millennium Items. They used them to seal the creatures who fed onto the humans' souls into stone tablets. Maximillian Pegasus based his game upon these monsters. That's the origins of Duel Monsters," Seto tried to summarise it the best way possible.

"Oh..." Karissa didn't know what to say.

"I'm afraid it gets weirder," Seto sighed. "There was a brave pharaoh who sacrificed himself to save mankind and he'd continue to do this millennium later."

That was the tricky part, convincing her about the very figures participating in this story. He had the advantage of Gardner being her cousin. She'd confirm everything, even her boyfriend could do so.

"He sealed his soul into one of these items which were later found by a young boy named Yugi," Karissa raised her head at the mention of the name.

"Yugi?" Karissa asked in confusion.

"Yes, and the pharaoh's spirit was... Atem." Seto waited for her reaction.

Karissa was speechless. Okay, even if she accepted all this magic and monsters existed, how was she supposed to accept Yugi having some object with a soul and that soul was Atem, her cousin's boyfriend! It sounded outrageous just as he said it himself.

"Wait, Atem is Téa's boyfriend, and he looks very real to me. He's not some spirit of an ancient pharaoh." Karissa exclaimed.

With a startle, Seto realised Karissa sounded just like him when he refused to believe the mumbo-jumbo. Well, now he knew how the geek squad felt every time they tried to convince him into believing them. Karma was a very ironic thing.

"I know it's hard to believe it, trust me I was the same but... a lot of things happened." Seto prepared himself for the next part. "It is real Karissa, please believe me."

His eyes were so sincere, it was impossible to blame him. Karissa had to take this for granted but Seto sounded too honest to be lying about this. Besides, she could ask Téa about it. It hurt to think her cousin had lied to her but maybe she had a reason to.

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