Chapter 1

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"Seto was back into his early teens, but something was different about his whereabouts. They seemed oddly familiar yet foreign all the same. The same thing applied to his body. His skin was a shade darker than usual which was odd; Seto had always had light skin. As if looking through a stranger's eyes, Seto saw how timeworn everything was. It was night and full dark but Seto recognised the desert sand. How was that possible? With a surprise, Seto finally noticed he was on a horse, riding when he heard the scream for help. His impulse was stronger than him and the body he inhabited moved on its own. He raced towards the voice, reaching a camp of bandits. Silent as a cat, the boy Seto jumped off the horse and went to the place the voice was coming from. A girl was locked up in some kind of prisoners van. The girl looked up in surprise when Seto approached her unlocking her prison.

"What are you doing?" the pale girl asked.

"Shh, saving you," Seto whispered. "Let's go," he beckoned the girl to come.

Helping her out of the van, Seto couldn't help noticing how pale her skin was and her platinum blonde hair. If he had to guess, she was about the same age as him. Once out, one of the bandits noticed them and went for an attack but Seto easily dodged him. After that, they had to make a run for it. Seto went back to his horse along with the girl. Soon, they were far from the danger but Seto knew what he had to do. Suddenly, he jumped off the horse, letting the girl escape alone. There was something about her he couldn't quite place. That was when he noticed the smoke, then the fire. It... it was his village, but it was completely destroyed. Taken by a sudden burst of anger, Seto or rather the body he inhabited ran for it. Seto saw the bandits while they continued with the mayhem. Seto was deeply upset, the criminals had him in his hands. Just then, a loud roar came and Seto saw for the first time the monster. It was like nothing he'd ever seen. The beast was magnificent and charged for the scoundrels with all his glory. Seto just watched him in awe and wonder, deep down knowing exactly what he was looking at.

"Blue Eyes..." it wasn't the boy he inhabited that mumbled it but him.

The dragon turned his head towards him sharply as if seeing through the mortal kid to the soul inside him. There was something in his eyes, something that scared him. It was not evilness, no, more like built-up anger but why? Unexpectedly, the dragon opened his mouth producing the so familiar white lightning, but this time charged at him."


Seto woke up with a yell panting heavily. These dreams... they were becoming more and more frequent. What was wrong with him? Seto sat up in his bed still shocked by the dream. The place, the girl... it was all too familiar to him. As if he'd been there in some other time, some other... life. Seto groaned burrowing his face in his hands. These Egyptian fairy tales were getting to him. But they weren't made-up, Seto knew that. At last, he had to admit to himself that no matter how crazy it sounded, it was all true. The man Seto was dreaming about so often was his predecessor, the one Seto was a modern reincarnation of. It sounded absolutely outrageous, but it was true. Seto Kaiba was indeed the counterpart of a five-thousand-year-old High Priest named Seto. They were just as alike as they were different. Seto glanced at the clock on his nightstand, it was still pretty early in the morning but Seto knew he wouldn't fall asleep anymore. It was the same every day. He'd have a dream and wake up in the middle of the night no longer able to get any sleep. Soon, this might affect his work if Kaiba didn't get his already small rest.

It has been two years since Atem's departure, however, Seto had heard the former pharaoh was back within the living once again. It was something to do with Gardner, the two were hopelessly in love, only an idiot wouldn't notice it, not that Seto cared. He was no longer obsessed with being number one duellist and all, Seto had other priorities before him. Mainly, he had been pushing himself so much into his company, he was working more than twelve hours a day. His days were only getting longer while he added more and more work onto his already full plate. As the president of Kaiba Corp, Seto couldn't allow himself any distractions nor free time. Slowly, the tiredness was starting to get him, building up. The work and his constant dreams added more pressure and Kaiba felt constantly strained. Sighing, the blue-eyed CEO fell back into the bed, his eyes remaining open while he waited for the morning to arrive and yet another lonely day in his company.

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