Chapter 8

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Seto couldn't get Atem's words out of his head. The very suggestion of going to some gods sounded ridiculous. Had Seto lost it all? He was living in some sick twisted reality where he believed in the mumbo-jumbo stuff. When had this happened? When had Seto fallen so low? But Karissa... she was real, Atem too. Seto's head was going to explode. His whole mind was divided into two as if he had a double personality inside him. At some points, all Seto could feel was rage. Rage, rage, rage. The ultimate conclusion was, Seto felt less himself with each passing day.

Karissa had just retrieved the documents Mr Kaiba had told her to get and was standing by his office. Karissa was concerned about his health. Her boss looked so pale and couldn't hide the bags underneath his eyes. He was over-exhausting himself, but it wasn't in her rights to tell him otherwise. Karissa knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in," his voice came from the inside.

Karissa entered the spacious office noticing her boss standing near the windows. Seto Kaiba looked a bit dishevelled. His hair was messy as if he'd ran his hands through it many times. Karissa didn't say anything aloud though. She approached his desk with the papers.

"I have the documents you asked for, sir," Karissa said.

"Good, just leave them on the desk," Seto replied in a tired voice.

Karissa put them as required but hesitated before leaving. For some reason, her legs refused to move. Her concern over the man was too strong to ignore. Probably thinking she had excused herself and left, Seto felt the tugging in his brain. His hand went immediately on his face while the other one he used to support himself on the wall. Karissa saw this and her instincts prevailed, she had to do something.

"Mr Kaiba, are you alright?" Karissa asked, her voice full of concern.

The girl approached him, but before she could touch him, Seto moved away and snapped at her. The look on his face was nothing Karissa had ever seen. It was almost as if this was a completely different person standing before her.

"Get out, leave me alone!" Seto shouted at her making her jump slightly.

"But sir..." Karissa tried to reason with him.

"I said get out!" his attitude was unlike any Karissa had seen up until now.

His shout made her jump and step away, but Karissa wasn't easily scared away. Seto sat back in his chair, still feeling unwell. With a stubborn determination, Karissa approached him and put her hand over his. The contact between them was instant, the same electrifying feeling as before. Seto snapped his head in utter confusion. Karissa expected another shout at her, but his face only showed his bewilderment.

Something very strange had happened. Karissa's presence had triggered something, the rage had taken over. Seto felt like a bystander in his own body. When Karissa touched him, Seto felt sucked back into his body. The shock was clearly visible on his face. Glancing up, Seto first noticed their hands then the woman herself. The expression Karissa had... it was completely genuine. Karissa seemed to... care about him. That was a first.

"Is everything alright?" Seto blinked fast unsure of what just happened.

Karissa took the matters into her own hands, seeing he wasn't about to shout at her anymore. She went to the jug standing at the far end and poured him a glass of water. Karissa brought it back to him, getting him out of his thoughts. Seto took the glass and looked at her with his deep blue eyes.

"Thank you," his answer came so quietly but Karissa heard it.

Seto drank the water still working on processing what happened. He had shouted at Karissa, why was the girl still here and caring for him was a mystery to Seto. Usually, his employees would back off immediately and run almost in tears, but she had stayed. What baffled him was how Karissa had affected him with only a touch. Seto noticed her still standing and felt guilty for being such a jerk to her.

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