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Jalen POV

"What do you mean you can't Vanessa" I question suddenly confused.

"I'm not really into the whole friends with benefits shit and I also know you're fucking with Laura who apparently speaks down on me! That's not a very best friend thing to do." she spat back to me.

"Bro pussy is pussy I don't give a fuck about your girl drama" I shout back.

I don't mean to be aggressive and loud but I honestly forgot about the rumours Laura's chill and she has a nice body. Isn't the first time I fucked her and probably won't be the last.

"Ok" is all Ness said as she walked out of the room straight outside grabbing her bag on the way out.

Vanessa's POV

I'm not being overdramatic that's why I left I don't feel like having tension or being awkward and what Jalen said did hurt because if guys were talking shit about him he would be furious if I fucked them.

As I was walking I come across Tens at the ball court. He's just sitting on the bench head down looking at the ground.

I approach him just to check on him and make sure he's good. As he hears someone approaching he casually looks up and my eyes meet with his puffy red ones.

"What's wrong babe are you alright" I ask softly

He looks back down. "I'm good it's just personal things going on right now." he mumbles.

"Well I know we aren't close but I will always be here to listen if you ever want to talk about it." I console him.

"Thanks Vanessa it means a lot it really does." he smiles tears stained on his face.

I bring him in for a hug and he offers to walk me home. "I don't want you going too out of your way where do you live" I question.

"Oh just a couple houses down from you." he responds.

I slap his shoulder, "How come I didn't know this?" I ask.

"You never asked?" he shrugs kind of questioning himself.

I laugh as we approach my door I jumble my keys through and wave to Tens as he calls out a quick thanks again!

Opening the door I jump. I'm met with..



the boys I just left. What. The. Fuck.

"Guys get out I feel like being alone." I plead

"Oh yeah we'll leave you to it" Dior sarcastically sasses sitting right in the middle of the couch.

"Look um Nessie can I talk to you real quick?" Jalen asks.

"Nah bro I cant run away this time." I joke and follow him upstairs.

One thing about me is I really tend not to hold grudges until it's worth it. This wasn't a betrayal because Jay truly doesn't think what he did was wrong.

We walk into my room and I shut the door.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." I say tryna lighten up the mood.

"Look bro I didn't like mean to make you feel some type of way I just don't get the issue with Laura she's just a chick I fuck sometimes that's it." he explains

"It's weird bruh like that's like me fucking Jayden even though I know you don't fuck with him." I respond.

"Bitchesss I'm hungarryyy" Dior states barging into the room interrupting our conversation.

"Okay I'll come down and make some food." I state as I take one glance at Jalen my expression reading that this conversation isn't over.

30 minutes later

"Get off my playstation boys, foods ready." I yell from the dining room.

They all come barging in grabbing plates.

"WIFE I FUCKING LOVE YOU BAE" bronny screams.

"Sum light" I shrug.

"Bruh your for real Josh's twin fuck being Rife's on god." Qir joked

"Don't play she mine" Rife spat back.

"Y'all fight over the brother spot she stay being my bae." Bronny chuckles

"Nah she my girl." Jalen nonchalantly says.

"The fuck she's not bro" Dior jumps in

"Agreed." Qir adds in

Bronny n Rife are straight stale facing Jalen.

"Don't even play that after fucking Laura bruh we ain't forget." Bronny speaks up.

"Chill out shes a good fuck nothing more." Jalen explains.

"Whatever can y'all just shut up and eat damn" I end the conversation.

"THIS PASTA SLAPS BRO I LOVE YOU." Qir says hugging me ten minutes into eating.

"Love u." i reply.

"The fuck he gets a love you for." Dior pipes in.

"He a real one." I shrug and continue eating.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Bronny questions.

"Bruh chill out your making it seem more intense he said it first and I love him right back he's my dawg." I roll my eyes annoyed.

"Well I love you twin." Rife chips in.

"Love you too." I say back

"Ha got em hoes" Rife sticks out his tongue.

"Put that thing back in yo mouth before I take it back." I cringe.

"Yeah that's my girl." Bronny slings his arm around my shoulder.

"Course baby." I joke

"Bruh you cougar really fucking with Bronny?" Dior asks.

"No don't play of course not, he's the homie though so why not play along duh." I respond.

Bronny shrugs and says "good enough for me."

An hour later

Since my house is a decent size you would think all the guys were sleeping comfortably well my friends that is not the case. I'm laid out on my big couch with my head on Jalen and my whole lower body stretched across Qir. Beside Qir is Dior half off the couch. Bronny is the only smart one who fell asleep in my bed upstairs and Rife is passed out comfortably beside Jalen who is wide awake.

"J why are you up still?" I ask tilting my head upwards towards him.

"Just thinking honestly." he murmurs

"Well about what?" I continue

"I think I like you Vanessa." he states.


hey y'all sorry i'm so slow with updating slow n steady wins the race though.

i'll try to update more often but it won't happen till the weekend probs or if i'm free i don't know to be honest

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