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Bronny Qir and I made it back into the school about 15 minutes later and came to witness a girl sitting beside Jalen and two beside Sharife right along with Dior on his left. Bronny and Qir sat on the other side with Jalen and that girl leaving no room for me. I scuff and go to walk away I'm over this situation so fast-like for real I bought all these bitches foods and none of them said nothing when they clearly saw I ain't have no place to sit. Hoes.

Going out the cafe doors I see a football land near my feet I pick it up and check around seeing who this belongs to. As I'm glancing around I see Jayden and his friends over the fence by the football field chuckling waving at me. The hell how'd they make that throw must've been Jayden he is our star QB.

I smirk to myself and decide to show out a lil bit. I get a proper grip take a lil hop and rocket the ball right back to them. One of the guys catch it- I walk up to see them all absolutely stunned and as I start laughing they bombard me with questions.

"How the hell"

"What the fuck"

"Since when can you throw"


"Damn ma that was tough" Jayden says.

I smile, blush and look away.

"Wanna toss it around with us fora bit" one of his friends ask.

"Sure" I smile.

"This is BM aka Brandon, that's Rey and this right here is old man." Jayden says as the one he called old man smacked him upside the head.

"I'm Tens" he introduces himself.

I dap him along with the rest of the boys up and smile.

30 minutes later

I walk back into the cafe with Rey on my left and the rest of the boys following us.

Tens jumps ahead of me so I stop in my tracks

"Nessa" tens says seriously straight faced.

"Yeah ten" I ponder

"Do you know how to braid hair" he questions

"Of course I do"

"REALLY COULD YOU MAYBE DO MINE AFTER SCHOOL" he shouts a lil over exaggerating but that's just him. He's really funny and goofy.

"Course I can" I smile

He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and runs right to a table I'm dangling behind him though so I'll I see is Jayden smirking while Bran n Rey are laughing together.

"How y'all going to give up this girl" Tens speaks to some people behind me.

I hear someone smack their teeth "Man that's my wife for life gimme her back" oh shit that means..

"The fuck you holding on to my best friend for" Jalen says with gritted teeth

As ten puts me down and raises his arms I turn to face them.

I look straight into Jalen's eyes then calmly scan the table, hm where dem hoes at I wonder.

"Twin didn't we just talk about these ugly ass football players" Sharife adds in.

"Man fuck y'all not even letting me sit after I bought food for everyone like fuck that's just disrespectful." I mug them

Jayden Rey n Brandon are beside us now.

"Yo thats fucked up" Brandon says

"Man shut yo dumbass up we sent em hoes away the second you walked out them doors" Dior complains

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