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October 20th, 2018

I'm pretty pissed at Jalen to be honest but I'm not showing it. He is the worst at communicating. After that whole heated make out session it's been two weeks and he hasn't brought it up once. I get that I could as well but trust me I have literally embarrassed myself by trying to kiss him one morning he just turned his head and then acted like it was normal.

It's weird bro I don't understand literally two weeks ago he was all over me but okay.

I walk into school by myself because I told Jalen I wanted to drive myself today. He just responded with a K.

I walk up around our lockers to be met with none other than Lina and Ari..

"Guys can you please move I need to get to my locker?" I ask kindly.

"Fuck off bitch" Ari says pushing me backwards.

"What the hell are you doing" I yell

Lina smacks me across the face and pours her ice coffee on me. I go to swing at her but some large pair of arms wrap around my shoulders before I have to opportunity.

"Cmon ma let's go clean you up." Jalen whispers in my ear.

"Okay" I mumble

Skip to lunch

"And then that fucking bitch Lina poured her ice coffee down my shirt!" I exclaim irritated as hell explaining the situation to the rest of the boys.

"Bih I told yo grimy ass she weird as hell" Dior said

"Yea she messed asl for that." Qir agreed

"Makes sense didn't think you're wearing oversized sweats and our warm up long sleeve as a fashion statement" Sharife teased

I groaned and put my head onto our table
"What did I even do to piss those bitches off?"

"Be our homie" Qir instigated

"Plus you and Jalen a lil too close if you ask me and Ari don't play about her mans" Dior joked and my head shot up.

"Me and Jalen are not close what are you saying" I murmured.

"Chill bro he gives you rides everyday shes overprotective of someone who's not hers" he said confused about my jumpy antics.

"Yeah we know y'all got something going on out here miss wearing his close and his arms around you right now" Qir added

Oh shit I look up and his arm is around me I didn't even notice oops. I blush and turn into his chest.

"We are just friends y'all chill" I reassure

"The fuck you better be your all mine baby" Bronny stated

We all laugh

"My guy you can't pull Nessa she out of yo league- nah cap that she ain't in your universe" Dior scream laughs.

"My guy spell universe" Bronny counters back.

Dior thinks for a second long enough to have all of us DYINGG.

By the time we stop laughing we got the whole cafe staring at us.

Tens and his loud ass shouts "Whats so damn funny"

Ari's bitchass replies "Probs laughing about who she's fucking dating next."

FUCKING EM N DUMP EM CHICK." I belt out fed up with this chicks bullshit.

"DAMNNN Ness okay girl" Tens yells back lightening up the mood.

I shrug and sit back down.

"Why is he talking to you" Sharife asks.

"Who?" I act clueless

"Tens dumbass" Dior whines

"Don't play ass if I can't drag your scrawny ass." I reply with sass.

"Answer the question Vanessa" Jalen inquires

"Chill out Jaybae we're just friends we snap from time to time." I confess

"Nah bro no fraternizing with the enemy" Bronny says.

"Spell fraternizing baby" I tease him.

He rolls his eyes, "stop playing with me"

I slip out from Jalen's arm
"I'm going to grab water do y'all want anything"

A bunch of no/nah's fill the air
"Nah I'm good thanks though ma" Jalen replies

I walk away into the lunch line. As I'm standing I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn to see Jayden with Tens.

"Go on then" Jayden encouraged

"I was wondering if you could braid my hair today. I promise I won't fight with your friends or anything" Tens timidly says.

"This is the quietest I've ever seen you" I say side hugging him and accepting his request. "Course I can"

"He thinks you hate us all now" Jayden explains.

"Not at all I just like to keep to a tight group no hate at all y'all are totally cool we're cool foso." I urge

"Get the fuck away from Vanessa now" Jalen grunted.

"Jaybae chill we're just talking."

"Why'd this fucker have his hands round you then" he questions with gritted teeth.

"I hugged him to let him know I am not mad and I'll braid his hair after school." I explain

"Bro why would you braid his hair?" he questions

"Because he asked?" I answer with a confused tone- whats Jay's problem I don't get it.

"Whatever" Jalen says walking away

I turn to the football boys "sorry I'm not sure why he's upset."

"Don't worry bout it see you after school we can drive ya we were all just gonna chill at my place" Jayden explains giving Tens a look.

"Sure I can follow you guys because I drove myself today."

"Shocked your ass isn't 100 dependent on that asshole." Jayden responds

"Chill with the names he's cool to everybody except y'all. There's gotta be a reason." I try to make them confide in me.

They're silent.

I head back into my table.

My classes were boring as hell and Jalen was giving me total silent treatment so in my last period I convinced him to leave his class and meet up with me.

"What do you want" he rudely ponders as he approaches me.

"The fuck is your attitude for I ain't do nothing to you buddy." I spat

"Stay away from the football boys it was simple bro why don't you listen to me." he asks

"I just don't get why Jay." I plead

"You know what whatever-" he tries walking away so I smoothly snake my arms around his waist.

"Sorry baby they're just nice to me and I hate being rude to people for no reason. Let me just braid Tens hair and I won't hang with them again alright." I bargain

He turns around and leans into my body so our faces are an inch apart.

"Baby huh" he smirks

I roll my eyes "Accident" and he grips my neck softly kissing me.

I pull away and lick my lips "I gotta go to class." I peck his lips and walk away.

Fuck bro I need to confront him he can't just be off for so long then act like I'm his then randomly kiss me whenever he feels like it. I just feel like I'm in a trance while I'm near him. Fuck.

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