
551 19 1

October 20th, 2018
3pm After school

I just finished Tens hair we ended up just doing it in the cafe during our spare block, and now I was in the gym looking for any of the gang but for some reason they were no where to be found.

I said fuck it and just walked out to to the parking lot. I'm tired so I'll probably just go home then call em and invite em all over.

As I'm walking towards my truck I hear my name being called.

"VANESSSAAA" I internally cringe at the sound of my full name. I turn to see Bronny standing with the boys waving me over.

I walk up to them and greet them with a quick "Hey y'all" I say smiling.

They respond with a bunch of Hi's/Sup.

"Bae wanna come over to my place that is where we're all going right now. Bronny says

"Yeah sure" I smile

Five minutes later

"Ok I don't know what y'all don't understand Jalen is catching a ride with coach after his extra training so one of you has to drive Jalen's." I shout for the fourth time while they all are arguing on who's going in which car.

"She's my girl" Dior argues

"NAH MY WIFE" bronny intervenes

"Cap she Jalen's" Shaqir says and I slap that boys head so damn hard.

"Ow shit well shes my best friend" Qir slaps Dior's  neck.

"That's cap shes my best friend" Rife adds in

"Nah cuh you my twin" I disagree

"Fair enough." he nods

"I just sit back and observe" Bronny says sitting in the front seat with Rife already in the back.

Bronny's house

Wheres Jalen I wonder to myself it's been about an hour and he still hasn't showed up.

As if Dior read my mind he shouts out "JALENS GETTING SOME PUSSSAAY" I straight face so quick. I'm not mad because I have no right to be but I don't fuck with the whole friends with benefits shit so I guess we ain't kissing no more.

"What do you mean who's he with bruh" Rife butts in. Honestly who cares he probably fucks girls left n right.

Damn bro breathe stop getting so heated over this dude you're fine. Deep breath.

"Who you with brudda" Dior asks Jalen and then abruptly hangs up.

"Yo what's wrong who's he with" Qir questions

"Fucking Laura" Dior grunts

They all either roll their eyes or sigh. Um I'm lost??

"Hey hi hello sorry I don't read minds who is Laura and why y'all hating on her." I ask.

"So who wants to tell it boys" Bronny sighs

"Igh I got this one" Qir nods.

"So Laura has sort of kind of being spreading rumours about you."-

I cut him off "How the fuck do I not know then?" I say aloud.

"Shh bae let him finish" Bronny pleads.

"We obviously shut it down right away we have quite a lot of pull in the school if you haven't seen" Dior shrugs.

I roll my eyes "that's a lil cocky buddy, but yeah it's facts okay continue." I urge Shaqir.

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