1: characters

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(A/N) : okay so hello everyone, this is my first book (because previous one was just a one shot) and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. I hope y'all will enjoy the story :)

 I hope y'all will enjoy the story :)                                                                    

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name : Kim dahyun
age : 22
position : works as momo's assistant, chaeyoung's bestfriend and roommate

» almost everyone has crush on her, can be flirty, gets annoyed easily,  weird, has soft spot for loved ones, mood maker, over-thinker, gets mad easily

» almost everyone has crush on her, can be flirty, gets annoyed easily,  weird, has soft spot for loved ones, mood maker, over-thinker, gets mad easily

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name : Hirai momo
age : 23
position : CEO of "azer" company, sana's bestfriend since childhood

» rich, isn't interested in anything except food, likes food loves food, has a kind of cold personality but not towards her close ones, actually cares, head empty no thought, is usually blank.

» rich, isn't interested in anything except food, likes food loves food, has a kind of cold personality but not towards her close ones, actually cares, head empty no thought, is usually blank

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name : sana
age : 23
position : works as manager in "azer" company, momo's bestfriend since childhood.

» talks alot, bubbly, flirty asf, charming, lovely, everyone thinks she is gay cause she is.

» talks alot, bubbly, flirty asf, charming, lovely, everyone thinks she is gay cause she is

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name : chaeyoung
age : 21
position : fashion designer, dahyun's bestfriend and roommate

» rich, popular, eat work work work sleep, busy, loves travelling,


(A/N) : momo and dahyun are the main characters. other characters may get added in upcoming chapter, so hope you don't mind <3
[ will try to give fast updates but please don't be sure lol ]

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