☆Chapter Thirty☆

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Popcorns really good." Jack defended.

"Anyways, does Noah actually need condoms?" Finn said, trying not to laugh.

"No!...I have some." Noah groaned, mumbling the lasted part.

"Noah, shut up." Stella mumbled back, smacking his arm.

"Ok. We'll be back. I love you, Kay." Finn smiled before walking towards the door with Jack.

"I LOVE YOU FINNIE BOI!!" Stella yelled as he reached the door.

"COOL STELLA BUG!!" Finn yelled back before walking out the door.

Everyone was laughing and watching Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs as they waited for Finn and Jack to get back. It had been around four hours since they left. It was longer than anyone expected, but no one thought about it.

"Hold on, I'm getting a phone call." Kayla said, calming her laughter. Stella paused the movie and everyone else kept quiet.

"It's probably Finn explaining why they're late." Stella whispered.

"Well, Kay's birthday is tomorrow. He was probably getting last minute things." Lizzy, Gaten's girlfriend, responded. Everyone nodded in agreement and waited for Kayla to come back and join them.

"We'll be there right away. Thank you, sir." Kayla said nervously before hanging up. "Stella, Noah, get your fucking shoes on."

"What? Why? What's going on?" Stella asked. That's definitely not what she expected to here.

"Finn and Jack are in the hospital. Jack's ok, but they won't tell me about Finn. Omg what if he's dead? I don't even know what happened to either of them. They said they had to-" Kayla rambled, tears streaming down her face, before getting interrupted by Stella.

"Ok, Kayla, calm down. I'm sure he's either ok or will be. Finn's strong. I would know, he's my big brother." Stella said, holding back tears as she panicked on her own. "Noah, let's go."

"Hi, we're here for Finn Wolfhard and Jack Grazer?" Noah said, the girls too nervous to talk to anyone.

"Take a seat. The doctor will be out in a minute." The nurse smiled, but you could see the worry in her eyes. Noah nodded and walked to the waiting room, followed by Stella and Kayla.

"I'm nervous, Noah. What if he's really bad hurt?" Stella whispered only loud enough for Noah to hear.

"It'll be ok. No matter what, it'll be ok." Noah smiled as he intertwined his fingers with Stella's. As they watched a doctor approach the waiting room, Noah planted a soft kiss on the back of Stella's hand. He was trying to keep himself together so he wouldn't make Stella even more upset, but he didn't know how he would react if something really bad was wrong with Finn.

"Kayla Wolfhard?" The doctor said, stopping in front of the waiting room. Kayla stood up and nervously made her way to the doctor. He pulled her aside and started talking to her about Finn and Jack. This made Stella extremely nervous as she watched the doctors expression.

"Ella, look at me." Noah said as Stella turned herself to face him. "Don't worry. It's going to be ok. Come here." Noah whispered, pulling her into a hug.

"I don't know what I would do without Finn. He's like my best friend." Stella's talking was muffled into Noah's shoulder, but he still understood her.

"I know. It's gonna be ok." Noah said, his voice cracking from holding back tears. He couldn't stand that Finn was in the hospital, but it hurt him more to know how torn up his fiancé was.

"W-we're going b-back to s-see F-Finn." Kayla stuttered. Stella shot up to stand in front of Kayla.

"Are they ok? Is Finn ok? What happened?" Stella worried as she saw the tears streaming down Kayla's face.

"Jack was d-driving and an 18-wheeler r-ran into them. It w-went straight i-into the s-side Finn was o-on. Jack has a few f-fractures
a-and Finn's on l-life s-support." Kayla cried.

Stella just stood there. Initial shock took over her. She didn't know what to do. There's no way this was real. This was not actually happening. Stella was so zoned out she didn't even realize she had ran to the bathroom. She was in a stall throwing up everything she had ate that day. She couldn't believe it.

"Stella?" Noah asked, looking in the empty stalls. It was just them in the bathroom. He came up to the third stall and ran in to pull Stella's hair back. "Are you ok?" Noah added after she had finished.

"Fantastic." Stella said with no expression in her voice or on her face.

"Here." Noah said grabbing toilet paper and wiping her mouth. Silence spread around them as Noah wrapped his arms around the crying Stella in front of him.

"Noah?" Stella asked in a raspy voice.


"Don't let Finn die." Stella croaked, trying to hold back her tears.

"I'll try my best."

a/n: hi- ummm so this chapter got sad very fast- i'm very sorry-

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