The anger building up within you made you want to punch him but instead you turned and got in a running stance. What is this guy's problem?! What the hell? I'll just leave everyone in the dust then. Then right after his dumb ass lecture that he insists I still go to I'll go to bed. To hell with him. "You're going down Boom Boy." You said before Best Jeanist gave you guys the signal to go.

When you were on your 6th mile you felt your legs getting weak. It was too much for a single person to do in a day continuously. He wasn't joking, but surely he couldn't even come close to this right? "Get your ass moving!" You heard from behind and looked back. "Get out of my way!" Bakugo said as he ran past you.

"What are you doing?" You called out to him, picking up your speed. "You're supposed to be doing suicide runs with the others!"

"And let you beat me?! Hell no! I'm the better one!"

"Yeah, okay I agreed to that. Why are you running?!"

"We have to get it done!"

You took a deep breath in before running and barely managing to catch up to him. "I'm too tired."

"You can sleep after!"

"I'm not letting you win!" You said as you tried to make your legs carry you longer, and faster. Just beat him. It kept echoing in your head. Show them all wrong. They don't know what they're talking about.

You managed to pass the finish line right next to Bakugo, and you both ran over to continue.  He was picking up the speed, and you were slowing down. You could feel it. Everyone stood by and watched as you two raced each other. It was clear who was winning though. Your eyes were fluttering from exhaustion as you finished and Bakugo was standing up ready to be completely done. You finished holding your plank and stood up to do your last 5 sprints while Bakugo slowed down from finishing his. You ran over to the group, and that's when you finally felt it the most. The exhaustion as your vision got blurry and black and your muscles ceased at the weight of your body. You fell forward and felt someone catch you. 

One of your eyes fluttered open as the light coming from the ceiling made everything seem blurry as they adjusted. "Are you okay Y/N?" Best Jeanist asked. He had such a soothing but painfully irritating way of talking it was hard to listen to. Without getting irritated at least. You didn't really respond besides closing your eyes and slowly opening them.

"She'll be fine. I'll take her back to the hotel room and get her dinner."

"Are you sure Bakugo? You tend to be... rather violent. I'll send one of-"

"I got it! I took care of her stupid ass last night. It's fine I won't hurt her or anything. I want to be a hero after all dammit. I'll have her back here in the morning, and she'll be ready to run whatever got it? I'll make sure of it!"

It was silent for a bit before Best Jeanist responded. "If you say so. If she isn't back in the morning you are held responsible, and will face consequences from your homeroom teacher and school understand? No funny business!"

"Tch." You could feel a sweaty palm grab your forearm and hoist you up. I can't move. What's happening? I heard what's happening, but I can't see. Why? Am I safe? Even from your sleep you could feel your heart rate increasing as you got draped over someone's back. 

"Call the agency when you two get there safe. It's my job to make sure that you guys are safe got it?"

"Whatever!" He responded with a raspy yell. The ding of the elevator as Bakugo started walking out woke you up a bit. You could start to see little shapes from the light, but the sounds of the city hurt your ears. The almost silent room to the busy city wasn't pleasant, and you tried to bury your head to cancel out the noise.

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