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Fluff with a ⚠️ TW ?⚠️
Requests are welcome, and very much appreciated :)
Word count: 1057

The bus stopped in front of the gate to the avengers compound, you grabbed your bag and ran out. You ran up the long drive way. Already out of breath you took a moment before opening the door. You were soaked from the rain outside, and the crying. you didn't want to talk to anyone so you ran up to your room without saying anything. On your way you bumped into Nat but you just kept on going. "Hey.. y/n? Wait up" you quickly opened your door and locked it. You threw your back into the corner of your room. You heard something falling, but you didn't care. You were still crying and you went to sit down and you put your music on.

After a few minutes JARVIS spoke up "miss, someone's at your door, do you want me to open it?" "NO" you basically yelled to the AI. "Alright, im sorry to bother you" you waited a few minutes before you turned down the music. You could still hear someone knocking. "Y/n, come on. Just open the door, you seemed upset, is everything alright?" You heard it was Natasha. You went to open the door, but you kept looking down, with your head facing the ground. "What's going on?" She asked. "Nothing"
Nat grabbed your shoulder but you pulled away in pain. "Look at me" she demanded, but you didn't answer. She spoke up once more "y/n, look at me" you felt the tears building up in your eyes again when you looked at her.
Her mouth fell open.

You had a black eye and some cuts on your face. She lifted your shirt to look at your shoulder and she saw the bruises on your arms. She took your hand and sat you down on the bed "y/n what happened" you looked away from her to avoid eye contact, but she gently grabbed your bruised chin and turned your head to face her "you can tell me anything, i won't tell anyone else. Its between us"
With those words running through your mind, you took a deep breath, and explained what happened.

What happened
You walked up to your locker at school "this is the day" you think to yourself "this is the day im gonna tell her" you grab your books and get to class. You sit behind her, behind your crush. You tried to write a note, but you wanted to tell her face to face. You leaned forward and tapped her on her shoulder "Hey uh-....." you said before you got caught off by the teacher "silence please" you sat down and thought "after class"

The class seemed like it took forever and you were so nervous that you didn't get any work done. You watched the clock closely as it was about to hit the time that the class was over. 'Rrrrrrrring' you basically sprinted out of that classroom to go after her. It was lunch time so she could be anywhere. You searched the cafeteria until you finally found her, the only problem was, that she was surrounded by her friends. "Hey, Olivia, can i eh.. talk to you for a second?" You asked her. "Sure" she said and walked away from the table. You walked over to the stairs and took a deep breath "so, i eh ment to tell you something" whats up" she replied. "Fuck it, im just going to say it" you think to yourself before speaking "i.. like you. I like, like like you. And i don't even know if you are 'that' way, but if you are, then i would really like to go out with you sometime" you look at her face as she has a shocked look on it "y/n.. im so sorry if i gave you any impression, but, i like boys. Im sorry i hope we can still be friends" your mouth fell open a bid and you tried your hardest to keep the tears away. "Olivia hurry up" one of her friends yelled. "I got to go, im sorry" she said as she walked away.

You just stood there, how could you be so stupid? You were so mad at yourself and you were also heart broken, when you saw a couple of guys walking over to you. They walked over from under the stairs, that meant that they heard the entire conversation. "So, we heard you eh, asked out Olivia" you wanted to walk away but they surrounded you. "Eh eh eh, we are talking to you" one of the guys said. Another one spoke up "maybe you just need the right man to get you back to 'normal' so make a choice, we can help you 'straighten' out" you were absolutely disgusted by the boys, but also quiet terrified. "Please, leave me alone" you said. "Not before you make your choice doll" one of the guys said and he put his hands on your face. Before he could lean in to kiss you, you grabbed his hand and flipped him to the ground. Thats when the other guys started to beat you up.

You remember waking up in the nurses office. You ran out and got to the bus.

Back to now
"And thats when i got home" you said while crying. Nat pulled you into a hug and calmed you down "shh shh, its okay. Those stupid boys are just assholes, ill make sure that they won't ever do something like this to you again"  you hug her tight and whisper "thank you" she slowly pulled away from the hug and she gave you a kiss on your forehead "now lets get you to bruce so he can take a look at those bruises" she picked you up and you both got to bruce. He asked what happened, but Nat told him not to ask questions.
After that she got your dinner up to your room and you both ate it up while watching a movie. After a while you began to feel sleepy so you rested your head on her shoulder. "I love you" you whispered to her as you closed your eyes. "I love you too, y/n. So much"
She played with your hair until you fell asleep. Never leaving your side.

Natasha Romanoff, one shots.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora