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this is more of a one-shot type thing based on the NCIS episode "misconduct." in this, the team doesn't know bishop and Torres are together.

*bishop is about to interrogate Parker James's mentally unstable girlfriend*

"agent McGee, would you please give us a moment?" bishop askes McGee, following along with their previously established script, McGee leaves the room, putting on a very convincing performance. "Hannah, I am so sorry. half of the guys I work with wouldn't know love if it smacked them in the face." Bishop said, Hannah, let out a small chuckle, "my dad's the same way." Hannah said, "trust established", Bishop thought to herself. McGee quietly joins director Vance in the viewing room, "I like the play McGee." director Vance said, "bishops a surprisingly good romantic, it was her idea by the way." McGee said, "it's possible parker James had the same one." 

"Can I tell you something?" Hannah asked, "yeah." Bishop said, "Parker is innocent.". "you think this whole Ponzi scheme thing, you think he's being framed?" Bishop asked, "yes, or a smear campaign." Hannah said, "is-is that why you had to do this?" Bishop asked, gesturing to the photos of the damaged car, now spread across the interrogation table, "I dont-I'm not following." Hannah said, seeming legitimately confused. "you know, I have someone who is really special to me, and I trust him with my life, and if he ever asked me to do something, to help him, I would. I would in like a heartbeat. is that how you feel about parker?" Bishop asked. "someone really special to her. who is she talking about?" McGee asked director Vance, "McGee. goes it look like I care who agent bishop is dating?"  director Vance asked, looking at McGee, "no sir." McGee responded, immediately embarrassed by his earlier statement. 

"someone really special to her? we would know if she had a boyfriend right, Torres?"  McGee asked, still puzzled by Ellie's earlier statement, "sorry, what were you saying?" Torres asked, looking up from his cellphone, "I think Ellie has a boyfriend, Torres do you not care about this?" McGee asked, "it isn't really our business who Ellie's dating." Torres said, he started to walk away, still typing on his phone, "since when are you not interested in bishops business?" McGee asked, following him, "I don't know, I guess I learned from last time I stuck my nose in her Business." nick said, of course, this was a lie,  he and Ellie were VERY involved in each other's business if you know what I mean. 

nick saw Ellie leaning against the wall in the breakroom next to the vending machine, he hurried up to her, she saw him and said "hey do you wanna get dinner later after work?", nick smiled, "absolutely, that is if we still have jobs by the end of the day." he said, Ellie looked confused, "why wouldn't we have jobs?" she asked, standing up straight, "McGee heard what you said to Hannah, now he's trying to find out who you said you would do anything for.", she blushed slightly when Nick talked about what she'd said to Hannah, "you know I would do anything for you too, right?" nick asked, gently running his hand over her cheek, down her jawline to her chin, "I know, but I still love to hear you say it." Ellie said playfully. No matter how many times he looked into her eyes, it never got old, the electricity, and the sense of home. it always made him smile, and anything weighing on his mind evaporated.  Ellie has never been much of a risk-taker, but with nick, all of that logic went out the window and she took a risk. Ellie leaned forward and kissed nick, they had been trying not to do that at work, I mean there are security cameras. the kiss was deep, but brief. However apparently not brief enough, because when they broke apart and turned to leave the break room, there was McGee, standing in the doorway, speechless.

"This cannot be happening." McGee said, "Tim...maybe we should sit down and talk about this."Ellie suggested, as she gestured towards one of the tables in the room. "so how long has this..." he gestured towards nick and Ellie "been happening?" he asked. nick and Ellie exchanged a look, silently agreeing that Ellie should take the lead, "since the Duncans locked us in that cell." she said, "what, there's no way." McGee looked at their faces, expecting to see some hint of a joke, "come one guys, that would mean you guys had been dating for months and no body noticed. god, how did I not notice." he said, the reality of the situation dawning on him, how did he not notice.

A/N: Hey readers!, sorry for the late chapter, i'm in the middle of finals. Hope you enjoyed the Ellick version of "Misconduct", please vote on my google form (link below)it should only take about 5 minutes, i'll be accepting responses for about 3 days. 



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