Taken pt 1

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"you're right Ellie, this movie is pretty good," Nick says to Ellie as they sit on her couch watching a quiet place, eating pizza and drinking soda. "I told you, just because it's a horror movie doesn't mean it has to have crappy fake blood and a stereotypical character who twists her ankle and gets everyone killed,"  Ellie says while laughing, she always loved horror flicks but after she joined NCIS the little things started to bug her, the unrealistic blood, and the shoddy police work. "wait, what gave them the impression that having another kid was a good idea?", "exactly! so many things in this movie make no sense. but it's still really good.". 

"When do you think it will stop being weird at work?" Ellie asks nick, with her head rested on his chest, as usual, they didn't make it through half the movie. "I don't know, but something new will happen and we will be old news to the rumor mill." nick says, in an attempt to comfort Ellie, "I hope so.", and she really did. "hey I'm a little light-headed, I'm getting a glass of water, do you want anything?" Nick smiled and said, "yeah thanks, a glass of water would be nice, my head doesn't feel too great either.", "ok, ill be right back," she responds. for the first time in a while, she was actually happy. I mean, she was practically humming on her way to the sink. she was filling up the glasses when the room started to spin, and the corners of her vision started to fade, and she collapsed hitting her head hard on the floor, she saw a figure approaching her, then everything went black.

"Ughh" nick groaned as he came too, this felt like the hangover of all hangovers, which was strange to him because he didn't drink last night. he turned over to see an empty spot where Ellie was supposed to be. "Ellie?" he yelled out, no response, he got out of bed, worsening his headache, but he didn't care, she didn't answer. he ran into the kitchen, to see blood on the kitchen floor next to a shattered glass, and a broken kitchen window, "Ellie!" he yelled out the window, desperate for a response, but the blood was dried, he was too late. he dialed Gibbs on his phone "Gibbs! It's Ellie, she's been taken!"

Torres paces around Ellie's kitchen, unsure of what to do with himself. Nick is never in situations where he has to just sit and wait, he always gets up and does something, but now there is nothing he can do except wait until Gibbs gets there. Every minute felt like an hour to nick, like he could feel each second passing in slow motion, the only time he felt relief was when he heard the sirens pull up to Ellie's apartment.

"Torres, what the hell happened?" Gibbs yelled as he busted through the front door, "I don't know Gibbs, we weren't feeling great so Ellie went to get some water from the kitchen. I don't even remember going out, I woke up with a splitting headache and I went to find her then I saw blood on the kitchen floor next to a shattered glass, and a broken kitchen window. Gibbs, you have to find her!" nick says, with his hands visibly shaking. Gibbs rubs his forehead and says, "ok, Torres you guys were obviously drugged, have the paramedics take your blood and send it to Casey. we'll find her Torres.". you would think that after all the hell he's been through, Gibbs would have been desensitized to these situations, but he feels the same pain every time, the fear of losing another family member, of going to another funeral for someone who died too young. he had a habit of putting on a brave face, pretending he. had no fear, that he knew in his gut that everything would be alright, but naturally Gibbs wonders if his gut is wrong. 

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