Taken pt 2

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"Get up!" a man screamed at Ellie, passed out on the floor, she didn't respond, "stupid bitch!" he yelled as he pulled his foot back and kicked her in the stomach. "ahhh!" she cried as she felt the pain ripple through her body, now she was awake, well, awake enough to try and stand up, and pull against her restraints. "who are you, where is nick?" she asked, her voice strained with pain, more pain then a single kick to the stomach should've caused, what if I am really hurt?  she wondered. the man chuckled and began to talk, "your boyfriend is safe and sound with your friends at NCIS, who are no doughtily trying to locate you at this very moment. to answer your other question, about who I am, I am. my name is Laxman Morrison, and you special agent bishop, you are going to help me get my revenge.". "revenge? what the hell are you talking about? I don't know you!" Ellie said, while that was most true, she did recognize the name but she did not know from where, what could he possibly want? "not against you agent bishop, against your boss, special agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs." Laxman said. 

"Gibbs, what did Gibbs do to you?" Ellie asked, ignoring the stabbing pain in her stomach, "he took my brother from me!" Laxman yelled. suddenly everything became clear to Ellie, Morrison, the last name is familiar because it was one that NCIS solved, one that Gibbs solved. "Navy lieutenant Benjamin Morrison, convicted in 2002 for murdering his mother while on leave from the USS Roosevelt and sentenced to death. special agent Gibbs's testimony was the key to his conviction, Gibbs found him standing over his mother's corpse, burning it. why do you blame Gibbs for something your brother did to himself?" Ellie asked, "because my brother didn't do it! he was covering for me!" Laxman yelled at Ellie. "ahhh!" Ellie cried, clutching her stomach, "what the hell is wrong with you?" Laxman asked, "you tell me, you're the one that kicked me in the stomach."Ellie answered, she knew what was happening, she had her suspicions, she missed her period last week, she was going to take a test today, she's pregnant, or at least she was. 

Ellie closed her eyes as the tears dripped down her face and the blood spread down her thighs. it was never part of her plan to have a baby before she was married, when she started suspecting she was scared to take the test because then it would make it real, she would be pregnant, last night, laying in bed with nick, feeling safe and secure, she knew everything would be okay. at this moment, sitting on the floor of a basement, crying, bleeding, and in pain, she would do anything to get back to that moment, that feeling. 

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