Taken pt 5

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 "I'm sorry, what?" Torres asked. Casey hesitated, "Bishop is pregnant, Torres." Nick froze, it was like everything went white around him, and Casey's voice faded into thin air, his whole world just changed because of those four words, they subsequently made him more terrified because now he had two things to lose, but it also gave him this warm feeling in his chest, like after you come in from being outside in the cold and take a sip of hot chocolate and the heat warms your whole body, and for a second he forgot about Ellie being missing. Torres smiled, "I'm gonna be a dad!" his bliss was interrupted by a tough head slap from Gibbs, "Torres, be happy later, now you got two things to lose from this mess.", "right Gibbs," Torres said as he pursed his lips together in an attempt to lose the smile, but the corners of his mouth were still ever so slightly raised.

"I dont know how to feel man. on one hand, I'm so excited but on the other hand, I'm terrified, what if something happens to them." Torres said to McGee, McGee stood up from his chair and said, "I know how you feel, when Delilah was pregnant I was being held captive, with no idea what was happening, I mean sure it was the other way around with me but I still get the idea." McGee said, trying to comfort Torres. "but it's my fault. you were kidnapped and Delilah was in no more danger than usual.", nick said. "Torres it's not your fault. you were drugged and Bishop was knocked unconscious, the only person to blame is the guy who took her.", "not that McGee, I'm the one who got her pregnant. Ellie can fend for herself, but that baby cant. Wow, baby, that feels weird to say." Torres said, still in shock from the earlier news, this was the first time he had said baby out loud, hed been avoiding it since he found out, saying it made it real and he had to prepare himself, but it felt good to say out loud. "Torres!" Casey said as she ran into the squad room with a worried look on her face, Nick stood up from his desk and hesitated to ask what was wrong, terrified of what the answer could be. "a jane doe matching Bishops description was just admitted to Baltimore hospital in critical condition." nicks heart dropped, and just as quickly as his life changed, it felt like it ended. "Casey, is it Bishop?" Gibbs asked Casey, "I faxed over a photo for identification, I'm just waiting for a response." just then Casey's computer beeped, she let out a shaky breath and said, "it's her." 

"can you tell me where special agent Eleanor Bishop is?" nick asked the nurse at the hospital desk, she looked up from her computer and said, "just a minute please." then went back to typing. "just tell me where she is!" nick yelled as his voice cracked with worry, "nick, calm down." McGee said as he came up from behind Torres. "so where is she?" Gibbs asked the nurse, "right this way," she answered. The nurse took them to a room down the hall, inside was Ellie. nick just stayed silent and stared, she had multiple iv's coming out of her arms, she was so pale, like a ghost. Ellie had always been light, but this was different, she looked lifeless like all her blood was drained from her body. "she lost over 30% of her blood volume due to a miscarriage caused by blunt force trauma to the abdomen. The surgeons managed to stabilize her but she's not completely out of the woods yet. You should call her family." the doctor said. After "miscarriage" came out of the doctor's mouth all nick heard was white noise and saw the doctor's mouth moving. as terrified as nick was, the more he thought about it the more he realized that maybe he was ready to start a family, but now all that joy was flushed down the drain. nick walked into Ellie's hospital room silently, he pulled up a chair next to her bed and grabbed her hand, and placed it in his. "who is he?" the doctor asked, "he was the baby's father," McGee said while walking away to call bishops family. 

It's been hours since nick last moved from Bishop's side, he just sits there holding her hand and staring at the wall, praying to the universe that she's okay. when he felt her hand move, "Ellie?" he asked, thinking he was dreaming, she opened her eyes slowly, and said "hey." "hey. how are you feeling" nick asked, "alright, my head hurts a little." she responded, "ill get the doctor." nick said as he started to get up Ellie grabbed his hand, "no wait, just stay here with me." she asked him, he sat back down and kissed her hand, and it was at that moment nick new everything would be okay, because Ellie was okay and she was all he needed. 

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