Healing, inside and out.

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"So Agent Bishop, how do you feel?" dr grace asked, " honestly I feel fine. I dont even know why I have to be here." Ellie responded, picking at her bleeding cuticles. dr grace adjusted her glasses and scribbled down something in her notes, "counseling is mandatory for all agents returning to work who have had a trauma, and you have had 2 back to back in the past month." she said to Ellie, who was still in complete denial of what had happened. "this is bs why didn't nick have to do this?" Ellie asked, "Special agent Torres did have the psych evaluation for losing a family member, the one you did yesterday, this counseling is for your kidnapping which resulted in you losing a child, that kind of situation can lead to feelings of guilt, and PTSD with any cases involving children or kidnapping if those feelings are not properly processed." dr grace said. "I did properly process my feelings, I was bed-bound for 2 weeks after the..." Ellie stopped, unable to say the word miscarriage, "after what happened." she continued. "have you and agent Torres talked about what happened at all?" dr grace asked, though she already knew the answer, Ellie couldn't even say the word miscarriage let alone have a productive conversation with the father, "no, nick and I haven't talked about it," Ellie said. "and why is that?" dr. grace asked, scribbling in her notebook, "look, we just didn't. Now can you just let me go back to work?" Ellie asked frustratedly. dr grace closed her notebook and took off her glasses "agent bishop, I'm going, to be honest with you here. based on what you are telling me you are in no way ready to come back to work right now. so I am suggesting that you and nick take a vacation, maybe go see your parents back in oaklahoma, we can re-evaluate when you return. now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of paperwork to do." dr grace said. Ellie sighed and picked up her bag and walked out of her office, maybe doctor grace was right, she and Nick could use a vacation. 

"hi, Mrs. bishop! it's so great to see you!" nick said to Mrs. bishop as he brought their bags inside, "hi mom." Ellie said as she pulled Mrs. bishop into a hug, "Hi honey." Mrs. Bishop said in reply. "how are you feeling? do you need anything? we have tea, hot cocoa, and I just baked some banana bread."  Mrs. Bishop said while walking towards the kitchen "mom I'm fine. nick, how about you?" she asked, "I'm fine, Thank you Mrs. bishop." Nick said, "oh please, call me Barbara." barbara said. nick felt like a scared high school kid, trying desperately to impress his girlfriend's parents, or at least what he thought it would feel like, he never really had a high school girlfriend whose parents he wanted to impress or any serious relationships that were gonna go anywhere, Ellie was the exception.

"So how are you doing honey, did your doctor clear you to work?" barbara asked, "yeah, it's the psychologist that's stopping me." Ellie responded, agitated that her mom asked, "what? why would she do that?" barbara asked, "you know what, it's nothing. I'm gonna go unpack." Ellie responded and she rushed up the stairs, not giving her mother a chance to ask again. nick and barbara had gotten to know each other to some level while Ellie was in the hospital, but not in the traditional sense, they only interacted to convince Ellie to do the simplest tasks while in the hospital, like eat or drink, it was strange for nick to see her outside of the hospital, but he knew she had a right to know what was going on with her. "the doctor thinks that she needs a bit of a break after everything that's happened over the past 6 months." nick said in a low tone, "what do you mean? what else has happened?" barbara asked, "what do you mean? did Ellie not tell you?" Barbara shook her head, "about four months ago Ellie was kidnapped and held hostage, she fought her way out and almost died in an explosion, then about a week later we got trapped in an abandoned jail with her foot on a pressure plate rigged to explode, and then when we where there someone came in with a gun, and we were out of bullets, we are lucky to be alive." nick said. barbara took a deep shaking breath in, on some level she knew how much danger Ellie was in but she thought it was a rarity, her almost dying, but apparently not. 

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