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2 weeks later

It's been 2 weeks since bishop and stores started dating, and things are going great. no one at the agency knows what is going on, and they are happy. 

"come on nick we have to go to work," Ellie said. nick was still happily asleep in her bed with no apparent plans to get up. "just 5 more minutes." nick said from under a pillow, "nick we have to leave in 5 minutes! we slept through the alarm." nick groans, "can't we just call in sick today?" bishop thought about it for a moment, "no, if we both call in sick it'll look suspicious.". Torres takes the pillow off his face and crawls out of bed and gets dressed in his clothes from yesterday, "nick, what are you doing, what if someone notices that those are your clothes from yesterday?" bishop asks. "Ellie relax, your the only one who notices these things." *drive to the office and go inside* "hey Torres, is that the same shirt you wore yesterday?" McGee asks, bishop shoots Torres a glare from across the room. "no, just similar," Torres says. McGee seems suspicious but he lets it go. 

it was a slow day at the office and bishop was getting increasingly bored, after scrolling through Instagram for an hour and counting the tiles on the ceiling, she decided to find something else to do, she looked around the room until her eyes landed on Torres, who looked just as bored as her, they made eye contact and bishop got a mischievous look on her face. bishop pulls out her phone and starts to text Torres

Bishop: meet me in the storage closet by Casey's lab

Torres: why?

Bishop: I'm bored.

Torres: aren't you terrified that someone will find us?

bishop: are you complaining?

Torres: nevermind, meet you there.

Casey was walking down the hallway to her lab reading test results when she heard giggling and clanking coming from the storage closet if only she knew what she was walking in on. "OH MY GOD!" Casey yells while running away from the storage closet and into her lab, "CASEY!" bishop yells while running after her, trying to get her clothes all the way on. "what did I just walk in on?" Casey yells, "it's not what it looks like," Nick says, coming up behind bishop, "really? because it looks like you guys were hooking up in a storage closet." bishop and Torres exchange a look, "ok then it was exactly what it looked like.". Casey is still just staring at them stunned, but who could blame her, she just found out two of her closest friends are sleeping together. "Casey, this is a relatively new thing, so we would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone." bishop asks, Casey nods and says, "all alright, but only because this is none of my business. but for the record, I am happy for you guys." 

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