I have feelings for you

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Nick is anxiously waiting outside when the bishop opens the door, "wow, you look beautiful." he says, bishop smiles and blushes, "not too bad yourself." nick is wearing a navy blue suit with a white button-up underneath, though nick would never admit this, he spent almost an hour deciding between two black suits before he decided on the navy blue one. Bishop and Torres are joking and laughing the whole way to the restaurant when they finally sit down the laughter stops and they just look at each other, Torres opens his mouth to say something but the words don't come, bishop seems like she wants to say something but is just working up the courage t do it, "so about what we said earlier..." bishop is saying when Torres cuts her off, "I just need to say something, Ellie, you know I've never been very shy when it comes to asking people out, but I have waited so long to say anything to you because I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I know that I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don't say anything. I have feelings for you, and I want to see where this goes." Ellie was shocked at first but in that moment, all her doubt about what the risks are fades away. before Nick could say anything else she says "I do too." 

they both just stared at each other for what felt like hours but was really just a few seconds. "so what now? what is Gibbs going to say?" bishop asks, snapping Torres back into reality, "maybe we don't tell him..." Torres suggests, "but wouldn't it be worse if Gibbs finds out on his own?" bishop asks, "all i know is that if we tell Gibbs right after this thing gets stated then Gibbs might think we cant handle working together, so maybe we tell him after a few months, then we can say that we have worked fine so far and we can separate work and our personal lives."  Torres says. "good plan, now what about McGee, he is still traumatized after the Tony and Ziva thing." bishop says, Torres thinks for a moment, "I think we may have to take some time to gauge the situation on that one." bishop nods in agreement. even with all the uncertainty, they are happy, because they have eachother.

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