Disora launch-Pesy

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Summary: It's hungover part 2, well rather drunk than hungover and in this one is Perrie who is barely standing on her own 2 feet. Perrie finally launched Disora and gets accompanied by her soul sisters and Jesy to the launch party but Perrie has a few too many bevies and Jesy has to deal with her, so this is more like Jesy gets a taste of her own medicine.


Perrie and her team finally launched Disora. There were plans for a huge house party, to celebrate the occasion, and Perrie had convinced Jesy to accompany her to one of the designer's houses, insisting that they always threw the best parties.

Perrie had turned full frat boy: jeans, white t-shirt, red-checked flannel, and some white, beat-up sneakers. She paired the whole ensemble with a snapback. Jade wore a similar outfit, minus the snapback.

"The fuck boy energy is strong with these two" Leigh-Anne whispered to Jesy, who giggled in response.

"It's her night, she can wear what she wants, even if they do look like they belong in a frat boy party house" Jesy snickered.

Jesy and Leigh-Anne had been to enough designer parties to know what to wear and usually, their best outfits were not it.

Jesy wore short denim shorts, a black, crop top, some old white sneakers, and her signature red lipstick. Leigh-Anne was wearing some loose jeans and one of Jade's old band t-shirts tied at the waist.

It was only a short walk to the party and Jesy could hear the music before she saw the house. The house was filled with all sorts of people, it wasn't overly crowded but just enough to create the perfect atmosphere.

Perrie and Jade stayed with them for a while, getting them drinks and making sure they were okay. Perrie received lots of praises and 'cheek kisses' from all kinds of people and she wouldn't admit it, but she was relishing the praise.

Soon enough the beer bong table was set up and Jade and Perrie insisted they had to go dominate, Perrie pecked Jesy's lips and pulled Jade away so they could play.

Jesy and Leigh-Anne were perfectly fine on their own, they didn't need to be attached to their girlfriends all the time. Jesy wandered out into the garden, sitting on some beanbags with some of her pals. Perrie found her half an hour later and dived face-first onto the beanbag next to her.

"Hey, I've been looking at you" Perrie mumbled, Jesy stroked the hair away from her face and Perrie gave her a lazy smile, she was clearly tipsy but not drunk just yet.

"Having fun?" Jesy asked.

"I and Jade won!" she squealed giddily.

"Well, I should think so, you're both very talented, beer pong should be child's play" Jesy teased.

"Yeah, we are! baby!" she yelled, creating a chorus of cheering and hollering, Perrie giggled at all the shouting. Jesy grinned at kissed her. "Are you having fun?" she asked, grabbing Jesy's hand and playing with her rings.

"Yes, don't worry about me, I'm quite happy where I am" she leaned down and kissed Perrie's head.

The blonde was pulled away shortly after by a small group from her team and she disappeared for the next hour. The brunette went to go and get another drink and Perrie found her mixing rum and coke in the kitchen, she stumbled into her and gasped.

"Hi, darling, what have you been up to?" she teased, stroking Perrie's jaw.

"Wow" Perrie breathed, "you're so beautiful" Jesy blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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