꧁Part Twenty-Five꧂

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"L/N! L/N, come on wake up." Aizawa grumbled, slightly shaking your frame. "Just- just a couple more minutes...or hours." You mumbled rolling over in bed and shoving your face in a pillow.

Aizawa sighed and walked away so you assumed he was gonna leave you alone. Oh how wrong you were. Aizawa made his way back in with a Bluetooth speaker.

'Theres two ways this might go. One is far worse than the other. Either 1: some weird, loud ass screeching is going to come from that. Or 2: it's gonna play some good ass song and I'll sing because we do not disrespect taste.' you thought when you saw the speaker in the corner of your eye.

The speaker beeped indicating it was connected to a device. A song started playing. And boy did Aizawa guess well.

"Singing radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it's gettin' us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up
Call up all our friends, go hard this weekend
For no damn reason, I don't think we'll ever change"

Here's To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne. Damn that's a good ass song. We do not disrespect the amazing Avril Lavigne. You immediately got up out of bed and shouted the lyrics.

"Meet you at the spot, half past ten o'clock
We don't ever stop, and we're never gonna change
Say, won't you stay forever, stay
If you stay forever, hey
We can stay forever young
Singing radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it's gettin' us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up
We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up!"

The music suddenly stopped and your head whipped over to Mr.Aizawa. "What the fuck dude?" You snapped. "Hey! I'm still your teacher L/N. I gotta get Shinsou up before Hizashi does it for me."

Before Aizawa even got the chance to leave the room Present Mic was already singing Shinsou awake in the other room. Mr. Aizawa sighed, shaking his head as he left your room.

Fast Forward a few weeks

Shinsou, Mic, Aizawa and you were sitting at the dinner table. Mic was making stupid dad jokes. A small smile was visible on Shinsou's face and Aizawa looked like he was so done with Mic's shit.

Everything that happened with your dad was just kinda in the past now. Sure, there were still some nightmares sometimes but everything just got significanly better after moving in with Aizawa.

It felt like home. Mic was like a cool dad and he just brightened up the room no matter the situation. Shinsou was like an older brother to you. He always has been, you couldn't be anymore thankful for him.

Aizawa had always been your dad, not just to you but to class 1A. He knew what to say and how to handle situations and he would never make you open up to him.

Your 'dad' was never really your dad. Having sex and that resulting in a child doesn't make the two people involved parents. That's not how that works. Giving birth doesn't make someone a mother.

Paying for a kid's clothing and anything else they need doesn't make you a good parent or even a parent in general. Being a parent is so much more than that.

It's making sure your kid is doing okay both mentally and physically. Not making them feel like a burden or venting to them. It's making sure that your kid feels safe coming to you with anything instead of feeling scared or pressured.

And most of all it's making sure they feel loved.

Nothing was perfect, but everything was right, how it always should have been. Now, you're probably wondering what happened with Monoma.

And honestly, nothing, absolutely nothing happened. You know he's your soulmate and your his. Romantic love isn't something you need to be whole, or to be happy. It shouldn't be the center of the universe.

Right now that's just not what you need, you don't really know how Monoma feels about the situation since there hasn't been any communication between the two of you. But it doesn't really matter because theres no point if it's one sided.

You were content with your life now. Your love life was irrelevant and your home life was better than ever. One day, you would be one of the best heros out there and you would help people everyday.

And that,
that is what matters more than anything.

The end,

A/N: I know a lot of people wanted this book to be longer but i think you could all tell that I just really wasn't enjoying it like a used to. It started becoming more and more diffucult to update but I tried my best. I tried to write the best ending I could as soon as I could.

I think this chapter has a lot of good points and lessons. I hope you did like the ending though and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

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