꧁Part Twenty-Two꧂

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"Wait what? What's going on?" I questioned, getting slightly worried but I was mostly just confused with what Kendo is thinking. "You're in love with Y/N!" Kendo yelled, probably a little louder than they meant too.

"Ha, that 1A freak? No way. Never. Just because they're my soulmate doesn't mean I like them or have to have any sort of relationship with them." I objected.

"Monoma, I'm serious. Just give it a chance." Kendo said in a serious tone.

"Kendo, you don't understand at all. My parents are never around, the only people that hang around me is class 1B because I take charge in showing 1A that were better than them. Part of me thinks soulmates are dumb and unnecicary but the other part of me got so worried when all those bruises and scars started to show up and was desperate to help my soulmate."

"Now that I know who it is I have no clue what to do. L/N is part of class 1A, the exact group I'm supposed to compete against. We're both training to become heroes which is a dangerous job and either of us could get hurt at any time. So now I'm stuck wondering if love is worth the horrible heartbreak that might come."

"So no, I'm not going to give it a chance. I am not in love with L/N. I am going to work on becoming a hero and I will become an amazing one, way better than anyone in class 1A. All of them are the same. They are just overconfinent idiots with flashy quirks that act like their better than everyone else." I yelled at Kendo.

Kendo was shocked by my sudden outburst to say the least. I had never really shown any emotion, not like this at least. Usually I just laugh at and make fun of class 1A and plan how to win against them. Showing true, raw emotion and explaining what's actually going on in my head is something that I've never really done.

"Now I am going to leave L/N here for the night and when they wake up they are going to your house. Now I want you to leave and not talk to me until I have calmed down from all this soulmate shit!" I shouted, now unable to control my temper which no one has ever seen.

Kenda looked very shocked and hurt but nodded and left my house without another word.

Back to the Normal POV

You woke up with a horrible, aching head in clothes that were big on you. When you looked around you realized you didn't recognize your surroundings. The bedroom was pretty bare. Just a bed, dresser, closet, tv, and nightstand.

You pushed the covers off of you and walked out of the room. The scars on your leg were bandaged so that means...oh shit.

Everything that happened came back to you. When you showed up to what you thought was Kendo's house Monoma had opened the door then you just blacked out.

You could hear talking from downstairs but it sounded more like arguing. When you got to the top of the staircase you realized the voices were Kendo and Monoma.

"So no, I'm not going to give it a chance. I am not in love with L/N. I am going to work on becoming a hero and I will become an amazing one, way better than anyone in class 1A. All of them are the same. They are just overconfinent idiots with flashy quirks that act like their better than everyone else." Monoma yelled.

You were shocked since you've never seen him angry but for some reason you were more hurt. Since you wanted to leave without them seeing and they were blocking the exit you thought of a different option.

You walked back into Monoma's room and opened the window. It was cold and dark out but that didn't matter.

There wasn't too much of a drop but that was the least of your worries at the moment. You slipped out of the window and had your fingers hanging on to the rim and your legs swinging in the cold air.

With your eyes clenched chut you let go and landed on your feet. Some cuts were opening up but you didn't care enough to pay attention to that.

Currently you were by the side of the house and when you peaked around the corner to the front lawn you saw Kendo leaving the house and going into the one next door. You walked over to Monoma's door quietly and saw your bags right inside next to the door.

Monoma was walking out of the living room into another part of the house so you took the chance to open the door and grab your bags.

Kendo didn't seem to be in a good mood so you didn't want to bother them right now but you also didn't want to go back home. With no place in mind you started walking in the night away from Monoma's house. It started to sprinkle but you just ignored it.

After a while of walking through the cold rain at very early hours you came across a park that was very close to the school. Since it was better than nothing you decided to just sleep on a park bench as pathetic as that might sound.

905 words
Hello, I am alive and have ideas. I passed finals and will now try to update at least once a week. It's 1am and my sister is yelling at me for typing too loud when shes trying to sleep

Remember to vote and drink water

Monoma x Reader//Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now