꧁Part Seven꧂

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Alien Queen:
Have you decided if you're going to the sleepover later today?

Ya, I’ll go.
What time should I show up?


lien Queen:
Around 7pm.

Ok thanks
See you later then

It was 5pm so you decided to get ready now. You grabbed an old school bag from your closet and threw in undergarments, a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, a hoodie, and a pajama set.

You decided to take a shower so you picked out a pair of black jeans and a white shirt from your dresser and took it with you to the bathroom.

You stripped and turned on the water then got in the shower. ‘I wonder why people from class 1B are coming. I mean, I have nothing against 1B. It’s just odd. I probably shouldn’t think about it too much. I’ll probably just be Kendo, Tetsutetsu, and Shiozaki. Mina would never invite Monoma. Right? Right?! Oh god what if she did?!’ You thought and got out of the shower, wrapping your towel around your body.

You put on your undergarments,  jeans, and a shirt. Since it was just a sleepover you decided to just dry your hair and put it into a messy bun. (If your hair is too short for this just ignore it). By now it was 6pm and you had time leftover before you had to leave so you decided to put your other essentials in your bag. 

You threw a toothbrush, toothpaste, a hair brush, deodorant, a charger because Denki can’t always charge your phone, makeup, and some ponytails in your bag. Since the sleepover is at Momo’s house and she is rich she lives in a completely different area than you do so it should be around a 30 minute walk. 

With that time crunch you had about 20-30 minutes before you needed to leave. But then again you told your father that it would be for studying purposes so the earlier you leave the less suspicious it will be. 

You decided to just leave now and pick up a coffee on the way or something so you don’t get there so early. You grabbed your bag and threw on some shoes and went downstairs.

“I’m leaving now! I’ll be back tomorrow around noon!” You informed your father. “I don’t care when you come back!” He spat and took another chug of his beer.

You sighed and started walking to a coffee shop. The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful light pink mixed with various oranges and yellows. It was kinda cold and you immediately regretted not bringing a jacket of some sort. Cars went by you every so often but other than that it was kinda quiet and peaceful outside.

Soon you arrived at the coffee shop and walked right up to the counter. There were only a few other people there and all of them had already ordered their drinks and got them. “Hello miss. What would you like?” The person at the cashier asked. “Um, a Large French Vanilla coffee please.” You said. 

The cashier nodded and you stood there patiently waiting for your drink to be made. About a minute later you drink was handed to you, you paid, and left. When you exited the cafe your mood immediately deflated. 

Rain was pouring down…

You sighed and started to speed walk to Momo’s house, taking sips of the warm liquid every so often. The rain started to soak through your shirt.

Your hair and clothes were completely drenched by the time you reached Momo’s house. No matter how many times you see it, Momo’s house still looks so huge. There were a few cars parked in the driveway.

You walked up to the huge house and knocked on the door. Momo opened it with a huge smile on her face and welcomed me in. “You're drenched. You should go change.” Momo advised.

“Woah Y/N! Your uh, kinda. Um. Y-your shirt.” Denki stammered with a huge blush on his face. Midoriya, Kirishima, Sero, and Jiro were also blushing but had their faces turned away from you.

Confused, you looked down and saw that your shirt was completely soaked and see-through. If it were a few months prior you would’ve questioned why Jiro was blushing but about a month ago you found out she was bi.

You immediately covered yourself with a dark crimson color on your cheeks from embarrassment. “If you noticed then why did you keep looking Denki!?” You exclaimed, slightly mad at Pikachu resembling male. 

“I don’t know!” He responded. You quickly walked away from the group to one of the many bathrooms in the Yaoyorozu household, smacking Denki on the back of the head on your way using the hand that wasn’t holding your coffee.

You set down your coffee and grabbed the pj set out of your bag and took off your drenched clothes. You put on the pj set, grabbed your wet clothes, coffee, and bag, and walked out of the bathroom.

When you walked back into the room where everyone else was you started to take note of who was there. Mina, Tsu, Uraraka, Denki, Kirishima, Jiro, Sero, Todoroki, Bakugou, Midoriya, Shinsou, and Momo.

“Hey Mina you said there would be some kids from 1B coming.” You said as you walked over to her. “Ya, they're all coming together. They should be here soon.” Mina replied. Just then the doorbell rang and Momo went to open it.

“Now Y/N. Um, have I ever told you what lovely hair you have?” Mina asked, now sounding quite nervous. “What’d you do?” You questioned raising your voice slightly. You looked over to the door to see Kendo, Shiozaki, and…

932 words
By the way in case y'all didn’t notice. I kicked Hagakure out of class 1A

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