a not so ready student

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3rd pov

hawks and Aizawa walk out of the room and close the door firmly before Aizawa leans against the wall and slowly slides down bringing his hands to his face hoping he could disappear right in that moment. he didn't know what to feel or how he was supposed to process the information given to him just now.

"hey- you- you okay there?"

"yeah" the man dryly chuckles "I jus- give me a sec, can you"

"yeah" hawks says while walking towards Aizawa slowly sliding down next to the man who obviously was having  a mental breakdown. "I dont know how hard it is for you but- if you wanna talk to me about it maybe ill try and understand" the poor hero desperately wanted to help out the man but he had no idea how. all he could do was sit there and try to understand the struggles the teacher was going through.

"I didn't kill my student" after a period of full on silence Aizawa finally managed to let out a sound "all these years I- I thought I- I thought I killed him I- he's alive"

"yeah he is, and he needs you now so lets get moving?"

"yeah you're right"

"I always am"

"cocky bastard"

"I finally get rid of the other brat and you come my way, i can never have a day in peace" hawks smiles as he extends his hand to the teacher in front of him.

"has he changed much" he says while getting the dust out of his clothes.

"oh yeah he did, you wont even believe they're the same person, its like his inner monologue is no longer a private thing with himself" 

Aizawa chuckles and follows hawks to wherever his car was parked. 


"so what are you thinking of doing" hawks breaks the not so uncomfortable silence and finally makes Aizawa snap out of his haze.


"i mean he doesn't have a place too stay.." hawks trails off "i thought you might have something in mind for that"

"spit it out hawks I dont like playing guess the plan"

"what if he stays with you" hawks spits out "its the safest thing i can think off, his quirk is so much more powerful than it was back when he was 16 and with your quirk and your agility i feel like its a go to plan. and Nezu also wanted him on close watch so it would be perfect, while you're not there I can be or another pro can but with you there everyone will be safer than they already are"

"you're forgetting Eri" Aizawa says still thinking about the pro hero's offer. he did have a point.

"wouldn't she be okay with him there? i mean you had shinsou come and go a lot for some time why wouldn't she be okay with todoroki there."

"im not talking about whether she would be okay or not, she would definitely be okay with it, my concern is her safety, as much as I want to believe it I still dont know what he stands for and what his motives are. what if he just relapses into his villainous motives and takes it out on someone or worse takes it out on Eri" 

"look Aizawa" hawks was desperate. he knew Nezu trusted Aizawa the most when it came to close watch missions and matters like that so having Aizawa take todoroki under his wing was the best option to guarantee shoto's entrance back in ua. if only he could convince Aizawa. "i understand you concerns but you have to take the fact that he proved his loyalty many times through many tests. he took the truth serums and pills willingly and made us ask more complicated questions. we can inject him with a serum that nullifies quirks for a weeks time if you prefer but i really need you on my side."

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