a mission gone wrong

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Third pov
Dorm rooms.

"GUYS!" Mina shouts running towards the main room filled with glee and excitement "GUESS WHAT!"

"What? What?" Kaminari quickly turns his head reciprocating his excitement and pops his head from the sofa. 

"The pro hero i interned with just called!" She looks around lookinf excited and joyful over whatever she was teying to say trying to hold herself and spit it out without bursting "AND SHE SAID SHE NEEDED ME FOR AN UNDERGROUND MISSION"

"OH MY GOD REALLY?" kirishima springs out of the kitchen while bakugo, even though didnt look like it, was listening to his friend.



"Dont get too hell bent its probably cause its way too stupide for a hero to work on it" bakugo says standing next to kiri wiping away the food from his hands.

"I dont see any pro heroes wanting you to do the dirty for them eh" the tape dispenser says chuckling.


"I bet best jeanist would start shaking if he saw you" kirishima pat katsukis shoulder, thinking whatever he said was going to somehow deffuse the situaton.

"Mhm yeah.. from anger. I doubt he likes you" sero continues angering the explosive boy even more.

"YOU EXTRAS ITS NOT LIKE I ENJOYED MY TIME THERE EH THE FEELINGS MUTUAL" the pomeranian says grumpily going back to the kitchen and moving on from the conversation.

"Bakubro were just joking"

"You guys are fucking jokes" he says stomping away returning to the kitchen.

Time skip mission time...

The dark allyway feels narrower as they go deeper into it, the walls felt like they were folding themselves around them.

Hagakure was ready, with her new costume in use, she was fully protected without being naked underneath, she was thankful hatsume had mised up some chemicals to make up her costume like lemillions.

Both girls part ways, signaling what they were about to do, and in a swift motion they ran towards two different pathways checking on each other through earpieaces built in for the.

"Hey toru" mina whispers "see anyone out there?"

"No not yet, and you?"


Mina walks into her assigned room and hides herself waiting to see if the villains were on plan and were coming like the leaked information had indicated.

But heroes are never wrong, because after a couple seconds the voice of a guy emerges from the shadows, standing right above mina looking down at her with a smirk.

"Hey T we have company" kai finally says and mina finds some sort of soothing familiarity and warmth in his voice she couldnt explain.

"Toru here they are" she whispers in hopes that her friend would be fast enough to reach them before it was too late.

In moments of panic and lonelyness, mina attacks throwing a ball of acid towards kai, with no sense of direction hoping that it at least scarred him or slowed him down.

But it didnt.

Mina's eyes widen as she hears the laughter of the person before her, the fear that she fekt was undeniably painful and nervwracking, unable to make a movement as ice embraced her tighter caging her. There was no running away.

"Its funny that you think a simple acid ball would take me down that quick. You must be new to this" Kai crouches down to her level holding her head up by her chin "you shouldnt underestimate me pinky, its been nice to get to know yet snither failure of a hero, and as funny as you look i have gems to give to my partner, toodles" he says waving off.

No. Mina wasnt going to give up, not when she has been trianing for years on end, not when she knows her friends are aware of the mission and hope they would win.

She melts the ice around her and blindly shoots it trying her hardest to at least hit.

"I dont feel like killing tonight" he says knowing full on he had never killed anyone and never inteded to do so "So if you could not overdo it id be greatful mlady"

Mina's whole body tenses as she tries to register the fact that the possibility of death was there and that she wasnt the same 1A student with her teacher by her side. "YOULL SEE WHAT THIS LADY CAN DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU PIG?!"

"Mina the girl ran, im gonna catch her stay with the other idiot" she hears toru say from her earpiece as she puts herself into a fighting position.


"Who are you talking to hm" kai looks at her with a sly smirk on his face, he had read their plan like an open bokk "you didnt think i was careless enough to make toga take the jewels right?"

Mina's eyes widen knowing that she and toru had messed up and that their whole plan was an obvious game. "W-who are you" she tenses her jaw to the point where it hurt, she couldnt believe that it was happening.

"It wouldnt be interesting if you knew would it?" He asks as he looks back at his friend who was running away from the girl, "I would love to fight, you look strong, but im sorry to break it to you sweet heart but i have to go"

As he starts running away his features started being more visibke to the naked eye, sharp edges and silky hair, mina realized what the familiarity she felt was about. The person looked just like her friend.

"Mina!" Toru runs towards her "we have to go and catch them before they get away we- whats wrong"

"Nothing" she smiles "im just disapointed about the mission thats all"

"Ill win this one youll see" todoroki says with an annoyed smile on his face, they had been playing just dance for a while now and todoroki kept on losing.

"Youve been saying that for the past three games" sero shrugs as he stuffs his face with popcorn

"At least he was better than Iida" sue says taking a handful of chips.
"Tsuyu i-"


"i made it quite clear that my body was not the flexible type indeed and i woul-"

"Yeah yeah.. hit it mina im gonna crush you" shoto continues with a smile

"Dream big princess" sero says laughing
"Ill crush you too hm"

"Id like to see you try"

"Ohoho you dont know what youre getting yourself into sero"

"Oi shuttup youll embarass yourself if you dance with him you know?" Mina continues "just shutup and play alright"

The night came but she had lost all hopes of sleep, the memories of her friend flooding back were painful and she hated every second of it.

The now bittersweet memory drained her eyes from any tears she had.

Mina missed her friend, but there was no way ti get him back.

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