where did he learn how to fight?

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Kai's? Pov

should we have let people die in the name of the law? Isnt a heroes job to save people
How sad... shoto todoroki
i think heroes can cry too sometimes
Nobody likes a warm soba

I jolt up, sweating and panting. Katsuki was still asleep. Thankfully he didnt see me or feel like there was something wrong.

What the hell was that? That was me. It was my voice. And i heard mina's too.

Why was i talking about heroes. Was i a hero. Then why am i with the league now?

And yesterday, i heard bakugo too. He called me icyhot but i didnt seem fazed by it. Were we friends before this?

Now that i think about it ive heard almost everyone from katsuki's class.

What did katsuki do? He never actually told me what he did or what he was learning.

"If you keep thinking smoke will come out of your ears" pomeranians voicr pops out of no where.

"Holy shit, you fuckin scared me"

"You were mumbling like deku"

"No shit sherlock"

"What were you deku-ing about"

"Its non ya business"

"Thats fair.... wanna grab dinner. Im hungry as fuck"

"I would be too, after being defeated so many times"

"Oh you dont fucking dare, were doing this again"

"I didnt know you liked being crushed over and over again. Kinda kinky pretty boy"

"You fucker ill get you"

"Yeah sure you will katsuki, lets go eat"

I grab his hand and lift him up.

Bakugos pov

He lifts me up but as we walk he doesnt let go of my hand. 

This fucker. It started raining but we still kept on walking to the food truck.

I was supposed to be mad. Mad about losing, pissed about not being enough. Mad about being wet and muddy but i didnt really mind it at this second. I didnt feel anger about the things i would be furious about.

"Lets grab the food and you come to my apartment"

"What? Why?"

"Were both wet as fuck and i wanna play mario cart"

I look at him woth a smirk, mocking uis words.

"Oh fuck off you know what i meant you pervert. Lets go"

3rd pov

Kai and bakugo start walking to the store to get some food. They git a lot of ugly looks because 1 they were wet and 2 kai had forgotten to let go of katsukis hand and katsuki didnt seem to mind it.

"Hey there elric"

"Oh hey sir"

An old man with a young daughter come up to him leaving katsuki confused.

"I didnt know you had a boyfriend elric"

"Oh no sir hes not-" kai notices that they were holding hands. He lets go and continues "hes not my boyfriend sir" he smiles looking at the child. "How you doing lea?"

The little girl signals him to get closer, wanting to whisper something in his ear.  He kneels down to get to her level and she whispers "He has funny hair"

"You like his hair?"

"Yeah it looks spikey"

"Hey" kai looks at katsuki who was looking at his phone "she likes you hair"

"Everyone does"

"Oh drop the cocky act katsuki come here so she can see it better" when he says cocky he gets hit on the head by the man, which made little lea laugh.

"I swear youre lucky i tolerate you extra" he kneels down next to kai and looks at the girl. Her eyes were shining and she had a bright smile on her face.

"Can i touch it?" Lea looks at katsuki with starts in her eyes.

"Yeah of course you can" kai looks at her and smiles.

"W-what i didnt agree to this i-"

Lea starts touching his hair making it messy and katsuki just sat there angrily flustered giving the 'im gonna kill you once we get home look' but kai just laughs.

"We have to go lea" the old man taps her shoulder.

"Oh why so soon watanabe were having fun"

"Oh her mom is waiting for her kai we have to go"

"Grampa his hair is so soft, how is it spiky?"

"Come here let me tell you" kai gestyres her to come and katsuki stands up.

"Hes actually a magic fairy but dont tell anyone"

"Oh okay okay" lea looked happy excited and determined to keep katsukis secret "hey spiky boy" she gestures him to come and he does. "I wont tell your secret dont worry" she whispers then smiles and starts skipping to her grandpa "BYE KAI AND FAIRY"

"why the fuck did she call me fairy, and what secret was she talking about?"

"I kinda told her you were a mgic fairy hence your hair"

"Fuck you, id be an amazing fairy"

"Yep totally"


They get to kai's house with hands full of bags.

Kai opens the door and the fresh smell of scented candles relax them.

"Come on on im hungry"

"Oh katsuki i didnt know you were into that"

"Oh you fucking didnt"

"Check" he pauses "mate mother fucker"

"Ha ha very funny, lets go"

"Okay okay im coming"

Kai walks over to the kitchen and takes his food and sits on the couch with katsuki.

"Lets play, im going to win this time"

"You never do extra, im just that amazing"

"At least i won in hand to hand combats shithead"

"Oh no you didnt"

"I did indeed"

Kai starts laughing and katsuki cant help but admire the pureness of his laugh. He couldnt help but stare at the boy hed known for months.

To katsuki, kai looked beautiful.


"Dont miss me too much dumbass"

"Ill try pomeranian, no promises"

"Try harder then, good ridence asshole"

Kai laughs and closes the door.

If hes not a hero and hes not a villain where did he learn how to fight?

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