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Shoto's pov
Lov hideout

"KAI WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Thats kurogiri right here, acting like my mother everytime he feels s tsd lonely. Im not complaining though its fun and games until i really tick him off.

I get why hes mad, i dont blame him either. Most of the league had been arrested, killed, or whatever the fuck they did to them.

Id never been close to all of them, sure we joke around laugh around all the time but its not like im as close to the others as i am with toga or dabi.

Well, twice was one of my close friends too, we used to be inseperable before he was killed. It sucked. I missed him. Heroes are a lot like cowards, killing off everyone that didnt fit to their little justice box.

That was bullshit and even if no one would actually say it, every fucking hero is driven by praise fame and money, barely caring about the people and habitants.

"Sorry man i lost track of time" its not like i lied... but who was i to believe that he truly believed me. He wasnt naive was he? He saw right through my lies and it wad obvious by the angry look on his face that he was done with my bullshit.

But i wasnt.

"You know weve been facing a lot of attacks from heroes and youre still out making friends kai" he was right but i would never admit it. I wasn't going to give him the pride he craved, id be damned if i did.

"No one even knows about me or my identity you just like making shit bigger" i messed up, well kind of. I realized i did as soon as he held my color lifting me up from the ground, choking me to some extent.


"Yea man... alright no need to get your tits heated, its crystal fucking clear." I had this hobby. Its a rare one, mastered by few. But i had this knack at annoying the mother for no reason.

It seemed like he was persuaded enough to spare some unecessary deaths and lets go of his grip dropping me to the ground.


"Heeyy!" Toga. She barges in my room and sits on my bed, i hadnt seenher in a while but knocking was still something i appreceated...? For all i know i couldve been jerking off and it wouldnt have been pretty to either of us.

I never do but thats not the point.

"Oh hey T how was the mission?"

"Ohmygodyoudontevenknowitwasthebestthingever" i was very close to give up my attempts at understanding what the fuck she was saying but she looked excited and i wasnt a bitch. "And then another hero came and-"

Once again, another shit barges in WITHOUT FUCKING KNOCKING. I an so done with this eggplant looking fish.

"Shiggy wants a report dumbshit"

"Oh shit i forgot" she rushes up before we get a taste of shiggarakis very short temper and fury. Tge next thing i wanted was to hear his ugly ass raspy voice in the middle of the night.

Finally, alone time.

I usually dont sleep but tonight was special cause i was drained and tired and fucking exhausted and the idea of staying awake for another second made me want to gouge my eyes out.

Drifting off to sleep wasnt the best at the moment, given the shitty flashbacks ive been experiencing lately.


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