Chapter thirty-two

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys," she sang nervously, trying to become invisible again. "How are you? Doing good! Great. I am too. You know what would make us both feel really great. If you let me go, huh? What do you think? We could all go home and rest and be happy and leave each other-"

Two of the Neverseen members grabbed each of her arms, and began to haul her towards a storage bin. "You know that really hurts!" She protested.

One of the other members got handcuffs that Sophie assumed were for making sure that she couldn't escape this time. The second opened up a storage bin, but inside was not full of boxes, instead there was a staircase leading down to hell. Or a Neverseen base, but it's pretty much the same thing. Time to meet the devil for the third time.

Sophie tried to think of a plan to escape, but she couldn't. Where was Keefe? He should be watching her. What happened? Sophie prayed that he was okay. She really needed the rest of her friends right now. She was useless with her sprained arms and fractured legs.

The Neverseen members held her arms behind her back while another one handcuffed her.

Suddenly she was aware of her hands, they weren't broken. How could she get out of this only using her hands?

Panic switch!

When the Neverseen member finished handcuffing her, she felt her hand for the ring and pressed down the jewel in the middle, praying that Dex's little machine worked.

And it did. Just as they almost reached the bin. A loud rustle caught the attention of the enemy and they turned around, greeted by all of Sophie's friends, including Fitz and several other Black Swan members that Sophie did not know.

"Wow you guys move fast!" Sophie said. So grateful that they were here.

"Actually, Keefe pressed his switch ten minutes ago, so we had lots of time to get here," Dex told her.

"Well I'm still happy," she grinned.

The Neverseen members that were holding Sophie continued to drag her towards the storage bin. The Black swan ran to stop them, and they succeeded. They knocked out her handlers and told Sophie to hide, much to her disliking.

The other two Neverseen members tried to to run but were quickly stopped and unconscious.

"Well that was quick," Keefe said, clapping his hands. "Also you know, Foster has another super power!"

"What?" Biana and Linh said at the same time.

"Yeah, I can turn invisible," Sophie informed them as she climbed out of her hiding spot. "Thank you for saving me."

"No problemo," Keefe said, wrapping an arm around Sophie's shoulders. "I am a pretty great stalker, if I do say so myself. Maybe even better than Bangs Boy himself."

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Tam grumbled quietly.

"It doesn't make sense, Miss Foster," Mr Forkle said as he stepped out of the shadows.

"What doesn't?"

"Invisibility was never something that was experimented on your parents, it makes no sense that you have it. Can you show me?" He asked.

"I don't think so," Sophie replied. "I did it on accident, and I tried to do it again earlier but it didn't work."

"We'll have to do some testing and see how it works," Mr Forkle said. "Would you be okay if Elwin took a blood sample so our scientists can run some tests?"

"You mean needles?" Sophie hated needles, more than anything.

"We can do it while you're sleeping if you would like," he offered.

"Yes please. No sedatives though."

"No sedatives."

Sophie looked over at Fitz, hoping that he had calmed down and forgiven her, but by the look in his eyes, he had not. He still hated her. Great.

"Okay, let's close the entrance and take these Neverseen members in for questioning," Mr Forkle instructed.

Everyone went to work, but Sophie stopped and asked . "Does everyone hear that beeping noise?"

Everyone stopped and listened.

"It's coming from this guy," Marella said, standing over a Neverseen member.

Everyone stayed silent for a few more seconds before they heard a stampede of people running up the stairs.

"Close the entrance!!" Someone screamed.

But it was too late, a group of at least 30 Neverseen members burst into the outdoors and immediately started fighting.

Four of them headed straight for Sophie and grabbed onto her. Sophie fought as best as she could. She saw Fitz running to save her and started to feel hope. He doesn't hate me, he will save me. We will win and all of us will go have a happy ending.

But that hope was extinguished when a large cloaked man slammed Fitz to the ground. "Nooo!"

One of her captors slapped their hand over Sophie's mouth. "You're coming with us," he whispered.

Sophie fought, despite the pain. And she saw that everyone else was fighting to get to her too. The four Neverseen members dragged her to the storage bin. Just before they got her down the stairs, Sophie used all of her strength and ripped her arms out of the Neverseens hands and possibly out of her sockets. She tried to run away but they grabbed onto her waist and legs with Sophie hitting them with her fists.

Just as they started down the stairs, Keefe jumped out of the crowd and reached for Sophie, and Sophie reached back. But just before their hands connected, the same man that knocked Fitz down, pulled Keefe away from Sophie.

"Nooooo!!" He yelled, with the most heartbreaking voice that she had ever heard come out of him. "Sophie!"

Sophie reached out, though she knew she could never reach him, she still held her hand out and tried her best to squirm out of their grasp.
"Keefe!" She screamed.

The last thing she saw before the entrances door was closed, was Keefe staring at her with a face full of guilt and regret as he mouthed the words, "I'm sorry."


Heyyyy!!!!!!!!!! I'm back!!!!
Hopefully for a while. I haven't updated since May.
I am so sorry, I honestly have no excuse. But I am back now, with an even bigger brain and I'm ready to right for you!
Hope you enjoyed! Happy almost New Year!


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