Chapter 24

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It has been two whole days, since I had had that horrible dream. I haven't talked to Nick about it yet, but I am pretty sure he will bring it up soon. I have been cooped up in my room all day. I was not ready to face the prying eyes of everyone. Jo only came into the room during nights and during lunch. She was having the time of her life with her uncle Luke.

"May I come in?" I heard a very familiar voice ask fro the doorway.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked groaning.

"Of course not."Nick said before walking over to me.

He got under the sheets with me and pulled me close.

"So... did you have breakfast?" I asked hopping that he would have forgotten about our deal.

No such luck.

"Don't try to change the subject, Tesoro, just because  you have been cooped up in here for two days, doesn't mean I will forget about it. You have to tell me about it."

I rolled my eyes at him. Don't get me wrong, I know he just wanted to help me and that I have to tell someone, it was just to hard.

"OK, What do you want to know?"

"What exactly happened when you were with Jacob?"

I was expecting this question, but it didn't mean I was ready. But i decided to tell him anyway.

"Well, as I said before, he wanted me to be his fiance. After we ran away and Jo was taken away, he would punish me for when I was late. He...umm. used to.."

I let out a huge sigh. I felt Nick rubbing my back soothingly. He kissed my forehead before whispering.

"You can tell me later if you are not ready baby"

I just stared at him. Did I want to wait? I shook my head.

"I would never be ready, but I need to do this."

He simply nodded, encouraging me to continue.

"He used to f-force himself on me.." I felt Nick's hold tighten around my waist. "I used to resist, but when I resisted, he, uh, " I choked back the tears" He used hurt me, Nick, he used to cut me with a knife, stab me, and when I tried to resist more, he would try to burn my hand, he made me so weak and bleeding that I won't be able to resist anymore even if I tried...I .. I"

I couldn't take it anymore. I let out a sob followed by me bawling my eyes out. Nick held me close and sobbed into his chest. I could feel that he was tense, he was trying to control his emotions. All the images, all the memories started coming back to me, the sleepless nights I spend on the floor wishing I would die form all the blood loss, but I held on to the hope that I would see Jo again, that I needed to rescue her. That was the only thing that kept me going, from falling into oblivion, from giving into the darkness that fought to take over.

"I am so sorry,Tesoro, I promise you will never go through that again. I will always protect you."

I sat up straight to look at him. I could sincerity in his eyes along with the unshed tears. There's still so much he didn't know. He knew that too. I didn't know anything about him too but the sincerity with which he said that he would protect me, made me feel like the weight was slowly lifting. I small smile appeared on my lips, he raised an eyebrow at me, amused.

"What are you smiling about?"

Me reply quiet literally took his breath away.

"I love you"

He looked at me with shock at first, then he frowned and stared at me. Just as I felt regret slowly taking over, his lips crushed into mine as he kissed me passionately. After I recovered my shock I started returning it.

We stayed that for a while, before he pulled away. He laid back down on the bed and pulled me with him. He hugged me tight as we fell into a deep sleep.

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