Chapter 22

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Scenes of violent nature included.


I woke up with a large headache. I looked at the time and it was ten a.m. I hid my face in the pillow and groaned. I didn't get any sleep last night. I couldn't shake of the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I looked over at the other side of the bed, and as expected Jo wasn't there. She probably was downstairs playing with the boys or Jenny or Jessica.

It has been almost a month since Nick gave me the job at the club, it has so far gone by with minimal problems. Jenny and I had grown pretty close. Turns out she lived here too but had gone out of country for some job.Jenny and Jess are my girl best friends now.I haven't had any real best friends before besides Ashley.Thinking of Ashley brought back memories that I wanted to bury inside me. I started to think about my past, the pain, the betrayal,the hate, the heartbreak..

My heart rate began to increase and my hands began to sweat. Oh shit. Not again. I closed my hands and tried to focus on my breath. After what seemed like hours I began to relax.

I fell back into the pillows and stared at the ceiling. I focused on it for a while. Finally when I felt like I was fine, I decided to get up before I dive back into memory lane. I took a quick shower and got into one of my old oversized hoodies and sweatpants.I tied my long brown hair into a messy bun on top of my head.I looked at the mirror and saw dark circles under my eyes. I groaned. Great.

I decided to ignore it and went downstairs. I went to the dining room first,hopping to find them. But the room was completely deserted. I checked the kitchen, all their bedrooms{which was really hard considering they were all on different floors}, even the bathrooms. Just when I was about to give up I heard muffled sounds coming from inside a nearby room. I decided to check it out and sure enough everyone was inside the room, well theater, watching frozen with Jo who was on Jenny's lap ,not even paying attention to the movie.

Luke noticed me first and waved me over. I walked over to where he was seated with Aidan.

"Wow, you look horrible" Luke commented while I plopped down on the couch next to him. I stuck out my tongue at him and hit him lightly which of course he dodged. Very mature, I know.

Everyone else just nodded in acknowledgement as they were so engrossed in the movie. I had watched the movie a month ago with Jo. She was obsessed with the movie. I am pretty sure she had watched the movie over a hundred times over the past month.

"Hey, Car , are you okay?"I heard Luke ask.

"Mhm... just a bad dream." he looked at me, it looked like he wanted more details but decided to let it go. My eyes began to to grow heavy. I placed my head on Luke's lap. He seemed a little taken aback but I was too tired to explain. I stretched the rest of my body on the couch. I watched the screen as I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I worked out of my office locking the door behind me. I had finished my days work and was too tired function. I haven't seen Caroline and Jo at all for the past two days. On the way upstairs, I passed by Caroline's rooms which was empty. I wondered where they would be and soon enough got my answer as I heard noises from the theater.

I stood at the doorway watching the scene in front of me. Jenny was sat on one corner with a sleeping Jo on her lap and Jessica to her side. Aidan was seated on another couch and to his left was Luke and sleeping on his lap was Caroline. I instantly felt jealous. How dare he? I knew that they were friends, but still. I decided to make my presence known. I walked into the room and to the front of the them. Everyone's attention turned to me. Everyone began to get up immediately. Because when I am standing there are not allowed to sit. Luke was still seated. He caught my eye and nodded towards Caroline on his lap.I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to him. He lifted her head slightly, just enough for him to slip out and began placing her head on the couch, I stopped him and I slipped into his previous position. I placed her head on my lap. She shifted in her sleep but did not wake up.

I then motioned everyone to sit. Luke walked over to the couch where Jessica was seated. When he sat, almost instantly Jessica got up and giving me a nod walked out of the theater. Huh. Weird.Why was she acting like that?

Anyways my attention turned to my queen in my arms. I swear she grew more and more beautiful each day. I could keep staring at her all day. I leaned back on the couch as I watched the movie in the flat screen T.V., which obviously was Jo's choice.


The man walked towards her naked body on the floor with a bloodied knife and a murderous smile. She hugged her knees to her chest trying to cover up her exposed body. He pulled her by her hair and made her look up at him. Her tear stained face was partially covered with her brown curls. She looked at him pleadingly. She could no more, her throat pained from all the screaming and her body felt numb from all the pain.

"I told you not to disobey me, dear, now you have to face the consequences."  With that he stuck the knife into her thighs she let out a blood curdling scream which resounded across the closed room. Blood flowed down her leg.

He looked at her clearly not satisfied enough by her reaction. He then bent down again and picked her up bridal style and carried her small bleeding body to the bed nearby. He looked hungrily at her body before climbing on top her.

"No,n-no" she whispered. He paid no attention to her.



"Wake up Car, wake up, come on wake up" I tried as Caroline shake violently. She was not waking up how much ever I called her.

"NO please noo ... don't please...."

"Car,shh its okey, you are fine baby , wake up"

"No, don' hurts..pleasee..not Jo...JOO"

She began thrashing violently, screaming crying, not to heart her. Tears streamed down my face to because I felt so helpless.

I then caught her legs and wrapped my arms around her so that she was my lap, still thrashing.

"Hey, Car, its okey baby, wake up, its okey Jo is here too, she wants to see you, we want to see you, its time to wake up baby, everything is fine , no one is going hurt you." she slowly stopped thrashing and her body began relaxing as her eyes fluttered open.

Her eyes were bloodshot. "Ni.."

"I am here, baby, Its OK" I tried to reassure her. She nodded slowly before her eyes closed again and she driffted off to sleep again.

I finally looked up to see that everyone was crowded around us, tears streaming down their faces.

"Luke, Call Dr White"

Luke nodded before taking out his phone. I picked up Caroline and decided to carry her to her bedroom.

"Nickkkkeyy, I wanna come too" Jo cried from Jenny's arms. I looked at Jenny and she started following me too.

We went to her room and placed her on her bed. Jo jumped onto the bed and with silent tears sat on her side.

Dr White rushed in began checking her.

"Mr Hayes, she was having a nightmare or a recollection of a traumatic experience. This is normal with patients who have undergone a traumatic experience. On top of that, she was too tired. She just needs a good sleep. When she wakes up make sure she eats food and its better to not leave her alone, because she might have panic attacks"

I nodded as she prescribed some medicines. Jo was already sleeping I kissed the top of her head and told Jessica to take care of her for tonight.I told everyone else to get out before tucking her in. I decided to sleep on her couch today. Just as I was about to go I felt a small squeeze on my hand.

"D-don't g-g-o" she whispered weakly. I got into the bed with her and placed her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms protectively around her.

As I watched her sleep, I began to wonder what she had not told me, what pain she went through, what caused her to have such a reaction. The mystery just grew and grew.

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