Chapter 7

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A loud thud.

I could hear him coming near.. no no no. I held onto my bleeding arm and tried to move..but my legs couldn't take it anymore. I looked down at it, and saw blood gushing out from the large opening where i could see my flesh peeking out. I had to get up. I cannot let him hurt her. I have to get up. The footsteps got closer and closer. I could see his shadow peeking through the small opening of the closed door.

And with a large bang the door was blasted of its hinges.

I woke up covered in sweat I could not bring myself to open my eyes. I didn't want to see him. No, definitely not. I waited for the pain to come, but it never did.

Confused I opened my eyes. I saw two muscular looking man staring at me dumbfounded. Was that Luke? Luke? Whose Luke? Where am I? That's when all the memories rushing back.

Loosing my job..hearing gunshot...bleeding man..being kidnapped...

Everything came rushing back. I felt completely helpless I could not do anything. What will he do to her if I did not go to him. Oh my god. I had to get out of here fast. I tried to stand up but my legs gave put instantly and I fell to the ground. Luke rushed over to help me up, worry etched on his face. I was confused. Why would he of all people worry about me?

He helped me up and on to the bed.

"What happened here?"

I heard his husky voice again. I turned my head to see  him standing near the doorway wearing a black suit with his hands in his pockets, his face, emotionless.

I stared at him when looked piercingly at me. Then he turned to Luke. I turned to him too, not knowing what all the commotion was about.

"Boss, she passed out when you left, I bought her to this room as per your orders and went to check on the guards and when I came back i heard a blood curdling scream and when I came here she was sweating and breathing harshly. I am guessing she had a nightmare."

A nightmare? Oh that was what it was . It wasn't real. But it felt painfully real..

I screamed. That was embarrassing. I looked back at the 'boss'. He was displaying no emotions.

"That's it?"

"Yes Boss"

He nodded. He looked at me one last time before turning on his heal and walked away.

"Do you need water?"

I heard Luke ask. I nodded. He went to the beside table and poured me a glass of water. I finished it in one go and gave him the glass. He asked me if I wanted more but I shook my head no.

"Do you need anything else?"

I looked up at him pleadingly.

"Can you let me go?"

He sighed and sat at the end of the bed.

"I am sorry Caroline. I didn't wish for this. But Boss cannot have witnesses roaming about."

"But I wont tell anyone. "

"Its boss' order." Luke said with air of finality. I knew I could not do anything. I had to find a way to escape. But before that I needed to come up with a reason to tell Jacob before he unleashes his anger on my baby.

I searched my pockets for my phone. But I couldn't find it there. I searched around  but could not find it anywhere. Then I remembered that I had given it to Luke.

"Hey can I at least have my phone back"

"Its with boss. He doesn't want you to call any one."

My eyes widened. This cannot be happening. I had to call Jacob.

"Please can you give me back my phone? I .. umm.. my friends will be worried.. I will just tell them a lie. I know you might hurt them if I told them. I wont put them through that. Please just let m..y fiance know"

Luke's eyes widened when I said 'fiance'. His eyes immediately when to my hand. He frowned when he could not find a engagement ring.

He raised am eyebrow at me questioningly.

"I .. please its the truth" I wondered if I should tell them the truth. But no I can't. He would hurt my baby. I can't let that happen. I had to call him.

I looked at Luke pleadingly.He looked deep in thought.After what seemed like forever he nodded.

"I will talk to boss about it, but don't keep your hopes up" I nodded gratefully. With that he got up and walked out followed by the other man who I forgot was even there.

I leaned back exhausted. The pillows were propped up so I was half upright. I looked around the room for the first time. The room was enormous. My whole apartment could fit in here.There was a sitting are right in front of the bed with three couches one pink, one black and a white one. It seems like a odd combination but it went well with the cream walls. One thing was clear. This people were filthy rich for a group of gangsters. The pillow and bed where the softest and the most comfortable bed I have ever seen. I closed my eyes and imagined living here.

 I closed my eyes and imagined living here

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I quickly shook my head. I can't live here. I had to rescue my baby. I had to get her out. I really hope I get my phone back.

With that I slowly fell into an uneasy sleep.

The boss.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

This is giving me a bloody headache. This girl's friends or family was sure as hell  worried. I have to figure out something to do with that, I don't want them running to the police. Even though the police in every country feared us, it will be a mess to deal with them. And I did not want that to be added to my growing problems.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh this annoying little..

I picked up the phone to smash it into the wall when I noticed a message displayed on the screen.

'Where are you stupid hoe?. Don't you know I hate waiting. Do you want a repeat of what happened the last time you were late?'

Who is this? Why is he talking to her this way?

The phone beeped again. Another message flashed on the screen.

'You  better get here  in the next an hour or I will take out all  my frustration on your dear sister over here. Now you don't want that now right, honey?'

What the hell?

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