Chapter 18

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My blood was boiling. I never felt so angry. That piece of.. has the audacity to talk about her like that. How did he know about them anyway, it hasn't been many days since she came here,nor did I take her out other than the airport. Why did he want them?This led med to the possibility that there may be a snitch among us.

I had Ian, my hacker, try to figure out the location of the number Igor used. But each time he refreshed the screen it would turn up in a different location.I will protect them at all costs. And when I get my hands on Igor, he is going to regret targeting them.

I dismissed Ian and made my way to Caroline's room. Its time we had a talk. I stopped in front of their door and knocked several times, but there was no answer. So, I decided to take a peek. I opened the door slightly to see Caroline sleeping peacefully and Jo nowhere in sight. I frowned, where was Jo?

I decided to call Luke to see if he had seen her because I did not want to wake Caroline up for no reason. And sure enough, Luke told me that Jo was downstairs with him and Jessica enjoying breakfast. I peeked inside to see her sleeping before I decided to go down to breakfast too. Our conversation can wait a couple more hours.

After having a hearty breakfast with Jo, I decided to go back to my office. On the way I passed her room and heard a shuffling inside. The door was slightly open, I saw her brushing her hair while humming a song. She was so elegant and beautiful. She reminds me of my mother before that-No. This is not the time or the place to think about the past. I will not let anything likethat happen to Caroline.

I stood straight and knocked on the door. Her humming stopped, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I wondered if she would ever sing for me.

"Come in" I heard her soft voice say.

With a sigh I opened the door and stepped in.

"We need to talk" she looked confused but nodded. I walked over to one of the couches by the side and she followed my example.

"Well, I have a few doubts about your past" As soon as the words left my mouth I saw the colour drain from her face and the happy glint in her eye gone. She sat up straight, and looked at me to continue.

I did not want to continue as I sensed that she was uncomfortable. But I had to.

"Where are your parents?"

"Dead" she replied.

"Is Jo your real sister?"

"Yes" she said after a long pause. I knew something was wrong but decided to leave it for now.

"How did she end up in the custody of Jacob Miles?" She looked down at her feet and clenched her hands.

"I..umm.." she choked back her tears. I wanted to hug her and tell her that it was OK. But I did not.

"Its a long story"

"We have a lot of time, darling"I replied. If I have to find out why Igor wanted them I had to know her past.

She sighed but continued anyway. "When I turned twenty, my father decided to marry me off. He did not believe in love neither did my mother. They had a arranged marriage, and they wanted me to have one too. Jacob's dad and my parents were friends and they decided that we should get married. We got engaged. But the day before the marriage everything went downhill. There was gas leak which caused our house to burn to the ground"

She chocked back her tears and began to shake. This time I didn't hesitate to rush to her hug her. She hesitated at first but relaxed into the hug. I hugged her tight rocking her back and forth. She was shaking so hard.

"Shh,shh its OK Car, its OK" I whispered into her hair. After what felt like eternity of sitting there, I decided to speak up. It was not worth it putting her through that for just a bit of information.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

She slowly sat up straight. She shook her head no.

"I want to get it out."

I nodded as she continued.

"After the fire, we had nowhere to go. So I decided to go to Jacob for help. He and his parents took us in. Everything was perfect at first. But a couple of months later his behavior changed. He started to stay out late or just would not come home for days on end. When I asked him where he was going, he would say it was none of my business. One day when he was in the shower, I went through his phone and found out that he was cheating on me. I decided to break up with him. I told him that I was moving out. He went ballistic. He said that we were his property and that we weren't allowed to leave. When I fought with him, he locked me and Jo in one of the rooms and starved us."

I tightened my hold on her as she began to shake again.

"We ran, but he had many connections and found us out. I begged him to leave us. He just smirked at me and told me that I can be free but I would still have to marry him. He took Jo with him because he knew I wouldn't go anywhere without her.He started abusing her as my punishment when I was late for dates or if I ever stepped out of line." She said between sobs.

I felt so angry and helpless. That moron is going to pay. We just sat there as she cried her eyes out. It felt like she hadn't cried for ages and when she started she couldn't stop.

And finally, she sat up straight and whispered a small thank you.

"You don't have to thank me, Car." Even though, her face was stained with tears, I could see the faint pink blush on her cheeks.

"I have to go now, but be ready tomorrow at five pm sharp, we are going on a date."

I smirked at her surprised expression. I leaned in and kissed her forehead before standing up and walking away, leaving my furiously blushing queen behind.


I let out a contented sigh as I leaned back on the couch. I had never opened to anyone like that. I had kept it all in.Ashley did not even know I had a sister. Jacob had threatened to kill Jo if I wen to the police or told anyone else .

I hadn't cried in ages. Even though I didn't tell him the complete truth I felt relieved.

I smiled to myself as I headed downstairs for breakfast .

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