Chapter 17

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We landed in Rome a few hours later. A limo was waiting for us there too. It was night time when we reached and it was a long drive. Jo slept all the way, she probably won't sleep at night.

"We are here" Luke said as we passed by a large gate into a large compound. The limo stopped in front of the most beautiful mansion. I was awestruck at how beautiful it is. it was even bigger than the one on America. It probably has seven floors. There was a large pool outside and I think a garden too.It was too dark to see anything else. I got out of the limp with Jo in my hands sleeping.

Nick walked into the mansion and I followed. The inside was as beautiful as inside. It looked even bigger from inside. There were two large staircases, probably made of marble from the looks of it,  leading to two different wings of the of the first floor. There was a cute little coffee table with four chairs in between them.

"Follow  me, Caroline" Nick said before going up the left staircase. I waved a quick bye to Jessica and Luke before following him upstairs. We went to the third floor and I followed him down the hallway to a room. He opened the door and got in.

"Welcome to your new room,Car. Close your mouth or you will catch flies" he said and flashed his signature smirk. I couldn't help it, the room was enormous. There was a big bed right in the middle which looked extremely comfortable. There was a cute  little sitting area off to the side with a fireplace beside it. The colour scheme was cream and brown. It was elegant and inviting. I walked in and tucked Jo in bed. I saw my in the corner. I went to pick it up change into my nightwear.

"I made the maids over here to buy you and little kitten over there some clothes, well a lot of clothes. Its over there in the closet." He said walking over to a door that I didn't notice before. He opened the door and we walked in. Shit. When he said a lot of clothes, he did mean a lot of clothes.

It was a walk-in closets with cupboards and racks filled with clothes. On one side were bigger clothes, and on the opposite side were smaller dresses, which I assume was for Jo. There was a whole section devoted to shoes and long wall mirror off to the side. It was like boutique in there.

I looked around "I hope its enough" I heard him say. I had completely forgot he was still there.

"Why are you being so nice to us?"he arched an eyebrow as if to ask what I meant.

"I mean you told me to move in with you. OK, that is understandable, as I am a witness and all that.But I probably like a prisoner to you. But you not only rescued Jo but also always plays with her. And now this? Why?" I asked. This question was in my head for the past couple of weeks and I was going to finally get an answer.

Understanding dawned on him and then a unreadable expression, but it was gone so fast that if I had blinked, I would have missed it. He smirked and replied,

"Because,Car, you aren't a prisoner here. You are more than that." and with that he turned on his heel before I could even comprehend what he said.

Great more confusion.

"Good night,Car" he called out from the doorway.


He disappeared before I could even get a word in.What did he even mean by that.

I let out a tired yawn, I was exhausted. It was a long day. I will think about it tomorrow.


I smiled to myself when I remembered her surprised expression. She was so beautiful.And I did mean it when I said she was more than that. She probably will be the future queen to my mafia. Because I could not help falling for her.

Just as I was ready to get to bed, I heard my phone beep. I took it out and what I read made my blood boil.

'You can take her and her sister anywhere you want,Hayes. But I will come for her no matter what. So I suggest you take both of them and run because you will never win against me.But if you hand over them now, I might leave you the older one after I am done with her. Although I do doubt if you would want her after that.You have two months to hand them over before I come for them.And by the way if you haven't guessed by now, I am your old friend Igor.

do skoroy vstrechi'

I am gonna tear him limp by limp.

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