Chapter 3

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I stood there frozen. I had no idea what to do. For a quick second I secretly wished that he would pull the trigger. That scared me. But that part of me got dominated by logic. I am not going to die just cause I witnessed something bad.

 I raised both MY hands in surrender. He was about to pull the trigger.

"Please don't. I wont tell anyone what I saw."

For a minute sympathy etched on the mans face. But was quickly masked.

"Sorry Mam, we cant leave any witnesses."

"I promise I wont tell. I even passed a police station. I didn't tell them why would I  tell anyone else."


His phone rang. He frowned and pushed me inside and got in closing the door He picked up the phone with one hand with the gun still in the other.

I tried to listen in on his conversation but I could  only hear yes and no from the man. I looked around for the means for an escape and found none. My apartment is on the sixth floor so jumping out of the window isn't an option.

 As I was considering my options ,the man was done with the call. The man looked at me with a small smile.I looked at him confused. He lowered the gun to my shock.

"Looks like, dear, you are moving in with us."

Sorry for the short chapter guys i will upload a lot more i promise.

The Lost Mafia QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon